Wednesday 21/10/2020
Session 1
Part A
Every 2:00 for 8:00 (4 sets)
Front Squat x 2 @90%
Part B (Aerobic Endurance)
Every 2:00 for 30:00 (5 Rounds)
St1: 25/15/10cal Assault Bike + 7/5/3 Ring Muscle Ups
St2: 25/15/10cal Row + 12/10/8 Shoulder to OH @50/33kg
St3: 60/40/20 Double Unders + 8/6/4 Hang Squat clean @50/33kg + 10/8/6 Pull ups
Session 2
Part A
3 Sets of
DB Bend Over Rows x 10/each
Barbell half moons x 10
Part B (Technique & Positioning)
4 Sets
C & J x 1 @80%
End of program