“The ability to persevere through adversity requires armor of all different kinds.”
We offer a variety of programs in order to be able to address the needs of the individual while providing an exciting and comprehensive approach toward Fitness. We welcome athletes or individuals of all levels and we are confident they will get challenged and progressed to a higher standard.
We will help you develop the skills that are nescesary in the Olympic Weightlifting Lifts while increasing your overall Strength and Power production. Expect exercises like the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Squat and Pull Variations with targeted progressions and individual corrections.
Learn to control your body in space while increasing your strength and muscle endurance with limitless bodyweight exercises like Pull-ups, Push ups, Muscle ups, Handstands etc. Revisiting and refining the foundational movement patterns is at the core of the program.
We will show you the way to develop your energy production systems in both aerobic and anaerobic pathways. The endurance class will keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy while improving your total fitness. Over time your fitness level will increase which will make everyday activities seem easier.
Strongman incorporates elements in your training like sand-bags, sleds, atlas stones etc. with the aim of improving your applicable strength and muscle endurance. Your increased capacity will be easily transferable to your everyday tasks. Carrying your kids or groceries will not be an issue going forward.
The purpose of this class is getting your kids active and away from TV/Tablet. There are many lessons to be learned from physical activity while creating strong bonds with their teammates. Smoother transitions to sports or other activities will be easily identified from the early stages.
A scaled down version of our Strength and Endurance programs in order to give the chance for individuals in their early stages to progress safely with less pressure in their fitness journey.
This class is responsible for aiding your recovery or improving your range of motion in limited areas. This personalized class will identify your movement limiters and help you correct them.
In our fitness training programs, you will find a combination of Strength and Conditioning protocols put together using the latest and most updated methods to help you become a better and FITTER version of yourself. Our approach is designed in a way to challenge you but also motivate you during your journey creating a fun environment because nobody likes boring workouts. Check out our daily fitness programs and book into our Classes to taste what fitness is all about.
Learn more about our Competition Training Program by following the link.