Wednesday 27/5/2020
Part A:
Every 2min for 10:00 ( 5 Sets)
3 Push Press + 3 Jerk @50-60% of 1RM
Part B:
Every 2min for 10:00
Strict press x (10,8,6,4,2)
As Heavy as form allows
Part A:
In 35sec Complete Max Burpees
Rest as needed
Emom for 12min (6 Rounds)
M1: Burpees @60% of Part A:
M2: Assaul Bike x Max Calories
3 Sets of:
Alternate between A&B
A: Bend over reverse flys x 10
B: Strict Supinated pull ups x Max Reps
Rest 1min between exercises
Optional Additional Work:
Every 3:00 for 24:00 (8 Sets):
30m Sled Sprint (Push or Drag)
Note: Please BOOK your Outdoor Group Sessions through our website.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.