Tuesday 26/05/2020
Part A:
Every 2min for 8:00 (4 Sets)
5 x Muscle Snatch @30-40% of 1RM
Part B:
Every 90sec for 7:30 (5 Sets)
3 x Drop Snatch @ 50-60% of 1RM
Part C:
Alternate between A&B
A: 10 x Bent over rows
B: 12-15 x Weighted Sit-ups
Emom for 21:00 (7 Rds)
M1: 8-16cal Row
M2: 8-12 DB Thrusters
M3: 8-16 Toes to bar
Note: Please book your Outdoor Group Sessions through our website.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.
End of Program