Wednesday 15/04/2020
Animal Flow (VIDEO)
Shoulder Mobility Flow (VIDEO)
Part A:
A: Strict Handstand Push Ups
B: Strict Pull-Up
Scaling/Limited Equipment Options:
A.Handstand Push Up:
1. Tuck position HSPU
2. Floor Piked HSPU
B.Strict Pull ups:
1. Bed Sheets rows
(Slow the movements down to increase difficulty)
Part B:
4 Sets of:
Side plank leg raises x 15/side
Followed by...
Lateral Bear Crawl/Backpack x 5(drags/side)
Rest 1-2 min
EMOM for 30:00 (10 Rounds) :
M1: Ground to shoulder x 10-16
M2: Reverse Burpees x 5-10
M3: Reverse lunge to OH Press x 12-20
Use a Sandbag, 20L water bottle or Loaded Backpack
Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.
Important: Please follow hygiene rules and stay isolated.