Friday 26/06/2020

Part A:

4 Sets of:

A: Bench Press x 10,8,6,4,2

B: Single Arm DB Rows x 8

Rest 1min between exercises

Part B:

3 Sets of:

A: Nose to wall hold x 30sec

B: Bend Over Rows x 8-10

Rest 1min between exercises

Part C:

3 Sets of:

A: Dips x 6-10

B: Pull up Hold x 30sec

Rest 1min between exercises

Part D:

3 Sets of:

A: Barbell Bicep curls x 10

B: DB Skull crushers x 10

Rest 1min between exercises

Note: Please BooK here your Group & Open gym Sessions through our website.

Important: Click here to read all the hygiene rules.

End of program

End of program


Saturday 27/6/2020


Thursday 25/06/2020