Thursday 25/06/2020
Part A:
Every 2:00 for 12:00 (6 Sets)
Front Squat x (3,2,1,3,2,1)
Weight: 80,85,90,85,90,95%
Part B:
Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 Sets)
2 Snatch + 2 OH Squat @70-80%
Part C:
3 Sets of:
Hollow Hold x 30sec
Rest 1min
Sandbag Hold x 30sec
Rest 1min
(Session 2) Optional Additional Running Workout
Adv: 5miles = 8000m = 20 x 400m
Rx: 4miles = 6400m = 14 x 400m
Sc: 2miles = 3200m = 8 x 400m
Note: Please BooK here your Group & Open gym Sessions through our website.
Important: Click here to read all the hygiene rules.
End of program