Tuesday 09/06/2020
Part A:
4 Sets Alternating Between A&B
A: Supinated Grip Strict Pull ups x MAX
B: Weghted Sit Ups x 12-15
Part B:
4 Sets Alternating Between A&B
A: Tempo Horizontal Rows x 10 @31X1
B: Tempo Ring Dips or Tricep Push ups x 10 @31X1
Part A:
Build to todays heavy:
Muscle Snatch x 3
Part B:
Build to todays heavy:
Drop Snatch x 2
Every 2:00 for 30:00 (5 Rounds)
St1: 400m + 5-10 KB Snatch 24/16kg
St2: 400/350m Row + 5-10 Toes to bar
St3: (5 Push ups+10 alt. Rus. Swings+15 Air squats) x 2
Note: Please BOOK your Outdoor Group Sessions through our website.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.