Tuesday 07/01/2020
EMOM for 3 Sets:
Hollow Sliders Bench :30-45
Hollow Jump To Support :30-45
EVERY 2:00 for 3 Sets:
10-20 Hollow Body Pull Downs
8 Front Lever Pulls
1 Set:
Write alphabet w/each ankle
2 Sets:
10 Band Squat w/OH Press Alt.
10 Hip Internal Rotation Stretch
4 Sets:
8-10 Rev. Lunge Proof 10 Knee Together Squat
6-10 BOX Pistol W/5 Lift Legs
3 Rounds each for Times:
24/16cal Row
20 Toes to bar
16 alternating Dumbell Snatch 22,5/15kg
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Rest 3 min