Tuesday 01/03/2022



Main Workout


Gymnastics Work (HSPU's)

Each Part for Max reps

1. Deficit STRICT HSPU

2. Kipping HSPU

3. HSWalk *segments of 5m

*no rest between parts

*complete 3-4sets

*full recovery between sets


High Intencity Interval Training

4 Total Intervals of:

Interval A

4:00 AMRAP

9 Pull ups

12 wallballs @9/6kg

21 Double Unders

Rest 3min between intervals

Interval B

4:00 AMRAP

6 Dumbell Clean @22,5/15kg

9 Dumbell facing Burpees

12/8cal Assault bike or Ski-erg

Rest 3min between intervals

Optional Gymnastics Work (MU's)

Each Part for Max reps

1. Weighted Strict Pull ups

2. Weighted Ring Dips

3. Inverted Rows

4. Parallete push up with feet elevated

*no rest between parts

*complete 3-4sets

*full recovery between sets