Saturday 02/05/2020
3 Sets:
Full Mobility Flow (VIDEO)
Part A:
4 Sets of:
20sec Work / 20sec Rest
A: Sit-up with Overhead Reach
B: Leg raises
C: V-ups
D: Hollow Hold
Part B:
3 Sets of:
15 x Bend over Reverse fly
15 x Tricep Dips
Rest 30sec-1min between exercises
10 Rounds of:
1:30 AMRAP
3 Reverse burpees
6 Backpack Thrusters
9 Backpack facing burpees
Rest 1:30
Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.
End of Program