Monday 04/05/2020
3 Sets:
Full Mobility Flow (VIDEO)
Murph Preparation (Test Date 25.05.2020)
1. As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) for 12:00
Air Squat
Step Back Lunge
Rest 2:00
2. AMRAP 12 Minutes
5/5... 10/10... 15/15...
Strict Pull-Up
Hand Release Push Up
Use Weight Vest if you want/have.
Scaling Options
Pull-ups —> Single Arm Ring Row /side —> Ring Row
If you have no access to Pull-up Bar or Rings use Cloth Rows.
3 Round of:
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Sec Hollow Hold
Roll to Back Arch
10 Back Arch Rocks
10Sec Back Arch Hold
Roll to Hollow
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Sec Hollow Hold
Rest 60 Sec between rounds
Note: Those of you who are interested in 1-to-1 Personal Training Sessions at the Ironsky Outdoor Area please do not hesitate to contact us.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.
End of Program