Friday 29/11/2024
Wellcome to our new Cycle for the Winter Period with New Targets and Goals. If you want to see more details Click Here.
0-5 mins: General warm-up
Choose a machine of your choice for 5 minutes.
5-10 mins: Snatch-specific warm-up
Perform the following exercises for 2-3 sets:
20 seconds ski @ 75% effort
1 rope climb
3-4 hand-release push-ups (HRPU)
3-4 V-ups
3-4 box jump overs
Rest 90 seconds between sets.
10-15 mins: Workout-specific prep
EMOM x 9
Minutes 1-3: 3-Position Snatch (top-down) @ 55%
Minutes 4-6: 2-Position Snatch (top-down) @ 60%
Minutes 7-9: 1 Snatch @ 65%
Optional: Add an extra minute for weight changes, making it an 11-minute EMOM.
You can perform power or squat snatches based on how you feel.
Max Front Squats
Perform 1 AMRAP set @ 75% of your 1RM.
Leave 3-4 reps in the tank.
Note: If you performed Front Squats on Monday, choose Back Squats for this session.
6 Rounds for Time
10 Kipping Pull-ups
10 hand-release push-ups
10 V-ups
10 Split Jumps
As part of a deload week, aim to complete this as a true "for time" workout. Move at a fast pace while maintaining unbroken sets.
Adjust reps if needed to ensure you can maintain unbroken sets.
Expect a challenging pace, with fatigue coming from gymnastic movements.
0-5 mins: General warm-up
Choose a machine of your choice for 5 minutes.
5-10 mins: Snatch-specific warm-up
Perform the following exercises for 2-3 sets:
20 seconds ski @ 75% effort
3-4 chest-to-bar pull-ups (CTB)
3-4 hand-release push-ups (HRPU)
3-4 toes-to-bar (TTB)
3-4 box jump overs
Rest 90 seconds between sets.
10-15 mins: Workout-specific prep
EMOM x 9
Minutes 1-3: 3-Position Snatch (top-down) @ 55%
Minutes 4-6: 2-Position Snatch (top-down) @ 60%
Minutes 7-9: 1 Snatch @ 65%
Optional: Add an extra minute for weight changes, making it an 11-minute EMOM.
You can perform power or squat snatches based on how you feel.
Max Front Squats
Perform 1 AMRAP set @ 75% of your 1RM.
Leave 3-4 reps in the tank.
Note: If you performed Front Squats on Monday, choose Back Squats for this session.
6 Rounds for Time
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups (CTB)
10 hand-release push-ups (HRPU)
10 toes-to-bar (TTB)
10 box jump overs
As part of a deload week, this workout should be approached at a fast pace. Treat it as a true "for time" effort while maintaining unbroken sets.
CTB and TTB must be unbroken. Adjust reps if needed to maintain unbroken sets.
This will be challenging, with the focus on sustaining gymnastic movements unbroken.