Wellcome to our new Cycle for the Winter Period with New Targets and Goals. If you want to see more details Click Here.



General Warmup (0–5 mins)

  • 5 minutes: Machine of choice (e.g., bike, rower, or treadmill).

Extra Warmup Option:

  1. Pressing Warmup (5–10 mins)

  2. Workout-Specific Preparation (10–15 mins):
    Perform 2–3 sets of the following:

    • 30 seconds row: Gradually increase pace every 10 seconds until reaching goal pace.

    • 3–4 deadlifts

    • 3–4 bar-facing burpees

    • Rest: 90 seconds between sets


21-15-9 Reps for Time

  • Movements:

    • Deadlifts @ 125/85 kg (275/185 lbs)

    • Bar-facing burpees

  • Time Cap: 11 minutes

Squat Clean and Jerk

  • 5 sets of 1 rep

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets

  • Intensity: Build to 80% of your max.

  • Note: Perform this under fatigue after completing the workout.



General Warmup (0-5 minutes)

  • 5 minutes on a machine of choice

Pressing Warmup (5-10 minutes)

  • Focus on preparing shoulders and pressing movements.

Workout-Specific Prep (10-15 minutes)

  • Perform 2-3 sets of the following:

    • 30 seconds row (increase pace every 10 seconds to reach goal pace).

    • 3-4 deadlifts.

    • 3-4 bar-facing burpees.

    • Rest 90 seconds between sets.

Workout: 21-15-9 Reps for Time


  • Deadlift @ 125 kg / 84 kg (convert to metric for global accessibility).

  • Bar-Facing Burpees.

Time Cap:

  • 11 minutes.

Squat Clean and Jerk

  • 5 sets of 1 rep.

  • Rest 90 seconds between sets.

  • Build to 80% of your 1RM.
    This is meant to be performed under fatigue after the workout.

Extra Credit

Part 1: Handstand Shoulder Tap

  • 3 sets of 30 reps.

  • Rest 90 seconds between sets.

Part 2: Handstand Stagg Drill

  • 5 sets of 50 seconds.

  • Rest 90 seconds between sets.

  • Switch leg position every alternate set.

Part 3: Crow to Handstand

  • 12 reps total.

  • Accumulate the reps; this is not for time.

Part 4: Freestanding Handstand Push-Ups

  • Perform 2-5 unbroken reps.

  • Focus on technique and accumulate small sets.

Part 5: Back-to-Wall Handstand Hold

  • Hold for max duration in an AMSAP (as much time as possible) unbroken attempt.


Friday 29/11/2024