Monday 05/10/2020

Session 1

Part A

Every 2:00 for 8:00 (4 sets)

Hang Snatch x 2 @75%

Part B

Ever 2:30 for 12:30 (5 sets)

Back Squat x 3,3,3,2,2


Part C

3 Sets of

Strict toes to bar x 10

Sand bag over shoulder x 8

Rest 1:00

Session 2

Part A (Strength and Power )

4 Sets of

Jerk x 2 @84%

Part B (Strength and Power )

5 Sets of

Def. Clean Pull x 4 @85%

Part C (Explosiveness)

4 Sets of

Box Jump x 3

Forward Monster Walk x 10m

Single Arm/leg KB Deadlift x 5/each

End of program

End of program


Tuesday 06/10/2020


Saturday 03/10/2020