Tuesday 06/10/2020
Session 1
Part A
Every 2:00 for 8:00 (4 sets)
Hang Clean x 2 @75%
Part B
Every 2:00 for 8:00 (4 sets)
Push Press x 3 @89%
Part C (Anaerobic Endurance)
6:00 AMRAP
1-arm alt. DB h. C&J x 6 @30/20kg
Burpees OTDumbell x 6
1-arm alt. DB h. Clean into lunge x 6 @30/20kg
Double Unders x 30
_Rest 2:00_
3 Rounds for time
1-arm alt. DB h. C&J x 6 @30/20kg
Burpees OTDumbell x 6
1-arm alt. DB h. Clean into lunge x 6 @30/20kg
Double Unders x 30
Session 2
Part A (Technique )
4 Sets of
Snatch Balance x 3,3,2,2 @80,80,84,84%
Part B (Strength Gymnastics)
6:00 AMRAP
With a Weighted Vest
Push up into alt. Shoulder tap x 6
1-arm alt. Ring Rows x 6
End of program