Monday 27/04/2020
Shoulder Mobility Flow (VIDEO)
Part A:
4 Sets of:
A. Wall Climb x 3
B. Nose to wall shoulder taps x 10-20
C. Nose to wall hold x 10-20seconds
Rest 1-2minutes between exercises
Part B:
4 Rounds of:
On a running clock, switch exercise Every 20 seconds without rest.
A. 20 Sec Front Delt Raises
B. 20 Sec Front Delt raise hold
C. 20 Sec Lateral delt raises
D. 20 Sec Lateral delt raise hold
Rest 1-2 min between rounds
6 Rounds For Time::
21 Object Lateral drags
15 Object facing burpees
9 Object ground to OH
For the Objectyou can use Sandbag / Loaded Backpack / Waterjugs or anything heavy you can find.
Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.