Tuesday 10/11/2020

Session 1

Part A

In a 10:00 Window

Build to Todays Heavy

Deadlift x 2+2 *add deficit if possible

*2 Reps up to Mid-Patella

*2 Reps Normal

Followed by...

2 Sets@90% of todays heavy 2+2

Part B

3 Rounds for Quality

Str. Pull ups x 5-10

Alt. DB Rev. Lunges x 20

Part C

3 Rounds for Quality

DB Press x 10

DB Rows x 10/each

Session 2

Gymnastics Strength

3 Sets for Quality

Ring Full Support x 30sec

Nose to wall x 30sec

Strict Toes to Bar x 30sec

*Rest as needed between exercises

End of program

End of program


Wednesday 11/11/2020


Monday 9/11/2020