Thursday 23/07/2020

Session 1 - Primary

Part A

Every 2:00 for 30:00 (5 Rounds)

St1: 8-16cal Assault Bike + 5 Str. HSPU + 10 ALT. DB Snatch 22,5/15kg + 20 Double Unders

St2: 8-16cal Ski-Erg + 5 Str. HSPU + 10 ALT. DB Snatch 22,5/15kg + 20 Double Unders

St3: 8-16cal Row + 5 Str. HSPU + 10 ALT. DB Snatch 22,5/15kg + 20 Double Unders

Part B:

3 Sets of

A: Nose to Wall Hold x 30sec

B: Chin up Hold x 30sec

Session 2 - Optional


Part A

4 Sets

Power Snatch x 3 @65%

Part B

 4 Sets

Power Clean & Power Jerk x 3 @65%

End of Program

End of Program


Friday 24/07/2020


Wednesday 22/07/2020