Friday 08/05/2020
3 Rounds of:
10 Tempo Air Squat (2121)
10 m Duck Walk
10 Hindu Push-ups
10 Bird Dogs
Execute the following set of Exercises using a PVC or a Broomstick.
Warm-Up Set:
10-20 PVC Pass-Through
10 /position Push Warm-up Complex
Find your Split Stance Position (VIDEO)
Main Set:
3 Sets:
10 x Slow Foot Work + Split Jump
Rest 1 Min
3 Sets:
3 x Fast Foot Work + Split Jump
Rest 1 Min
3 Sets:
10 x Behind the neck Press in Split position
Rest 1 Min
3 Sets:
5 x Behind the neck Drop Jerk
Pause in the Receiving for 2 sec.
Rest 1 Min
3 Sets:
5 x Drop Jerk
Pause in the Receiving for 2 sec.
Rest 1 Min
2 Rounds of (6 Total Intervals):
Interval A:
4 Minutes AMRAP
30 Double Unders
8 Alternating DB/KB Snatch
4 Strict HSPU
Rest 1 Min
Interval B:
4 Minutes AMRAP
30 Double Unders
8 Alternating DB/KB Snatch
8 Kipping HSPU
Rest 1 Min
Interval C:
4 Minutes AMRAP
30 Double Unders
8 Alternating DB/KB Snatch
12 Push-Ups
Rest 3 Min before going back to A
Scaling Options:
HSPU—> Piked HSPU—>Standing Piked HSPU
Double Unders —> Plate Hops
If no DBs or KBs available just remove the Snatch from the AMRAP.
Note: Those of you who are interested in 1-to-1 Personal Training Sessions at the Ironsky Outdoor Area please do not hesitate to contact us.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.
End of Program