Saturday 09/05/2020
2-3 Rounds of:
Full Body Mobility Flow (VIDEO)
5 Sets:
30-45 Sec/Side Single Leg Wall Sit
5/ Side Cossack Squats
10 /Side Single Leg Deadlift
Rest 1-2 Min
3-4 Rounds:
30-45 Sec Push-up Position Hold
30-45 Sec 45 Degree Handstand Hold
30-45 Sec Nose to Wall Handstand Hold
30-45 Sec Long Push up Hold
Minimize Rest between Exercises
Rest 1-2 Min between Rounds
6 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
15 Jumping Squats
10 Tyre Flips / Atlas Stone Over Shoulder
(Rotate between Tyre Flips and Atlas Stones between each round)
You can use Tyres and Atlas Stones that are located outside of the gym. Use the alternating Rep Scheme to keep the distance necessary between you. Sterilize your hands after use.
Scaling Options:
Tyre Flips —>15 DB Deadlifts —-> Water Bottles Deadlift
Note: Those of you who are interested in 1-to-1 Personal Training Sessions at the Ironsky Outdoor Area please do not hesitate to contact us.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.
End of Program