
Workout 1: As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP) in 3 Minutes

  1. Row: 30/24 calories

  2. Barbell Thrusters: 20 reps @ 43/30 kg 

  3. Bar Facing Burpees: 40 reps

  4. Power Clean and Jerks: 20 reps@ 43/30 kg

  5. Row: 30/24 calories

Proceed as far through the workout as possible within the time limit.

Rest: 2 minutes

Workout 2: AMRAP in 6 Minutes

  1. Row: 30/24 calories

  2. Barbell Thrusters: 20 reps @ 52/35 kg 

  3. Bar Facing Burpees: 40 reps

  4. Power Clean and Jerks: 20 reps @ 52/35 kg 

  5. Row: 30/24 calories

Proceed as far through the workout as possible within the time limit.

Rest: 2 minutes

Workout 3: For Time (Time Cap: 9 Minutes)

  1. Row: 30/24 calories

  2. Barbell Thrusters: 20 reps @ 61/43 kg 

  3. Bar Facing Burpees: 40 reps

  4. Power Clean and Jerks: 20 reps @ 61/43 kg 

  5. Row: 30/24 calories

Extra Credit - Optional Workouts: Choose the one that you are not so good at.

Option 1: Bar Muscle Up Skill - Beginner


  • Use a box to jump to the support position of the Bar Muscle Up (BMU).

  • Work on falling back into the same position created when jumping to hollow.

  • Fall away from the bar at the top into an "L" position with your legs.

  • Fall into the 'patient arch' position with tight legs and then into the "toe rise."

  • Add the hip drive and press down on the bar to get your shoulders as high as possible without bending your arms.

Extra Credit - Bodybuilding/Hypertrophy 

3 Alternating Sets:

  1. Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows (2020 Tempo): 6 reps, heavier than 2 weeks ago (3-point/hand on bench)

    • Note: Use horizontal row if available

    • Rest: 1 minute

  2. Wide Grip Strict Pull-Ups: 3-5 reps

    • Rest: 1 minute

  3. Passive Hang on Rope: Max duration

    • Rest: As needed

Extra Credit Core Training

Rest: 30-60 seconds between sets Scale: Rock with knees tucked


As Many Reps as Possible in 3 Minutes:

  1. Rowing: 30 calories (men) / 24 calories (women)

  2. Barbell Thrusters: 20 reps @ 61 kg (135 lbs) / 43 kg (95 lbs)

  3. Bar Facing Burpees: 40 reps

  4. Power Clean and Jerks: 20 reps @ 61 kg (135 lbs) / 43 kg (95 lbs)

  5. Rowing: 30 calories (men) / 24 calories (women)

Proceed as far through the workout as possible.

Rest 2 minutes

As Many Reps as Possible in 6 Minutes:

  1. Rowing: 30 calories (men) / 24 calories (women)

  2. Barbell Thrusters: 20 reps @ 61 kg (135 lbs) / 43 kg (95 lbs)

  3. Bar Facing Burpees: 40 reps

  4. Power Clean and Jerks: 20 reps @ 61 kg (135 lbs) / 43 kg (95 lbs)

  5. Rowing: 30 calories (men) / 24 calories (women)

Proceed as far through the workout as possible.

Rest 2 minutes

For Time (Timecap: 9 minutes):

  1. Rowing: 30 calories (men) / 24 calories (women)

  2. Barbell Thrusters: 20 reps @ 61 kg (135 lbs) / 43 kg (95 lbs)

  3. Bar Facing Burpees: 40 reps

  4. Power Clean and Jerks: 20 reps @ 61 kg (135 lbs) / 43 kg (95 lbs)

  5. Rowing: 30 calories (men) / 24 calories (women)

Strength/Power Training

Banded Deadlift

  • 5 sets of 5 reps @ 50-55% 1RM

  • Rest 2 minutes between sets

  • Use a light band, focus on speed, and avoid losing position.

Accessory Work - Hypertrophy/Bodybuilding

1. Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows (2020 Tempo)

  • 3 sets of 6 reps

  • Use heavier weight than 2 weeks ago.

  • Rest 1 minute.

2. Wide Grip Strict Pull-Ups

  • 3-5 reps per set

  • Rest 1 minute.

3. Bar Muscle-Ups

  • Max 15 reps in 1 minute

  • Rest as needed.

Seated Elbow on Knee Banded Bicep Curl

  • 3 sets of 12-15 reps

  • Rest 1 minute between sets.

  • Control through full range of motion (ROM).

Extra Credit (Upper Body Mobility Focus)

  1. Couch Stretch T-Spine Rotations:

    • 5 slow, controlled rotations in both directions with a 3-second pause at the end range on both sides.

    • Rest as needed between sides.

  2. Downward Dog to Seal Stretch Transitions:

    • Accumulate 5 reps with a 5-second pause in each position x3.

    • Rest as needed.

  3. Prone PVC Pass Throughs:

    • 10 reps with a 2-second isometric hold on each rep x3.

    • Rest as needed.


Monday 17/06/2024


Friday 14/06/2024