
Squat Clean EMOM

8 sets:

  • Every minute for 8 minutes:

    • 2 Squat Cleans @ 50-60% of 1RM

    • Touch and go reps, focus on speed


EMOM for (3 sets):

  1. 6 Front Squats (from floor) @ 65%+ of 1RM

  2. 12 Dumbbell Walking Lunge Steps (heavier than June 3rd)

  3. 24 AJumps on Plate

  4. 15/12 calories Assault Bike

    Rest 2 minutes

Pull-Up Complex Finisher

3 sets:

  • 20 seconds hang

  • AMRAP (-1) strict pull-ups

  • AMSAP chin over bar hold (max 30 seconds)

  • Rest 3-4 minutes

Add a band for pull-ups if needed but try to complete holds without support.

Extra Credit - Option 1: Got None

Ring Muscle Up Skill

If you began a RMU progression during the foundations cycle, continue it here.

Skill Breakdown:

  1. Max-Effort Ring Swing:

    • 1 swing + open hip front swing with aggressive pull to shoulders x8

    • Rest as needed

  2. Jumping Ring Muscle Ups:

    • Accumulate 8-10 two-position jumping muscle ups on high rings

    • Use a box under your feet. The goal is to adjust to turning over higher off the ground.

    • Shoulders should remain the highest point, followed by open hips.

  3. Ring Support Pulses:

    • 15-30 seconds x3

    • Rest as needed

Option 2: Got Some

Ring Muscle Up Skill

RMU Swing Step Complex:

  • 3 arch to hollow swings

  • 1 arch to hip drive

  • 1 arch to pull to chest

  • 1-5 turnovers (no dip)

  • x4-5 sets, rest 3 minutes between sets

Aim for more reps than last time.


Squat Clean EMOM

8-10 sets:

  • Every minute for 8 minutes (8 sets):

    • 2 Squat Cleans @ 50-60% of 1RM

    • Touch and go reps; focus on speed

Front Rack Lateral Lunges

Every 2:30 for 7:30 (3 sets):

  • 8 Barbell or KB Front Rack Lateral Lunges (8/side each set)

    • Light load

    • Focus on quality movement and adductor strength

Bulgarian Ring Row

4 sets of 8-12 reps:

  • 31X1 tempo

  • Rest 2 minutes between sets

    • Elevate feet if needed

    • Add a weighted vest if too easy


3 sets:

  • 6 Front Squats (from floor) @ 65%+ of 1RM

  • 15/12 calories Assault Bike

  • 12 Dumbbell Walking Lunge Steps (heavier than June 3rd)

  • 15/12 calories Assault Bike

  • 24 Thrusters @ 20-35kg/15-25kg (heavier than June 3rd)

Intent: Week 3 of a 6-week squat endurance progression. Expect dense sets of squat-based movements to build leg endurance.

Target: Aim to complete each movement unbroken. Adjust loading as needed.

Feel: Challenging but focused on leg stamina, not global capacity.

Hip and Calf Work

3 alternating sets of:

1. Seated 90/90 Hip Swivels

  • 14 reps (7/side)

  • Each rep takes 5 seconds to complete

  • Rest as needed

2. Single Leg Bent Knee Calf Raises

  • 12 reps (12/side)

  • Wall-facing

  • Rest as needed

Extra Credit

3 sets, each for time:


Tuesday 18/06/2024


Saturday 15/06/2024