Friday 14/06/2024
Pause Squat Snatch
Find a challenging and technically strong triple within a 45-second window, incorporating a 2-second pause at the knee on each rep.
Time Cap: 15 minutes total working time.
Back Squat
Sets and Reps:
Set 1: 5 reps @ 70%
Set 2: 3 reps @ 80%
Set 3: Max reps @ 90% (AMRAP -1)
Rest: As needed
Notes: No more than 3 seconds pause between reps. Base your percentages on current or estimated 1RM. If detrained, start 5-10% below your 1RM for better success.
Handstand Hold and Push-Ups (Every 3 minutes for 2 Sets)
15 sec back to wall handstand hold
10 hand release push-ups
15 sec back to wall handstand hold
AMRAP dual dumbbell strict press until the 90-second mark
Adjust the rep range to finish the second handstand hold by the 60-second mark.
Choose a dumbbell weight that allows at least 8 unbroken reps on the first set.
Wall Walks and Double Unders (Every 3 minutes for 2 Sets)
3 Wall Walks
30 Double Unders
2 Wall Walks
20 Double Unders
1 Wall Walk
10 Double Unders
Adjust the rep range so that you are left at least with 60-90 sec Rest.
Extra Credit - Hypertrophy/Bodybuilding
3 Alternating Sets
1: One-Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
6 reps per side (rest 30 sec between sides)
Complete 3-6 more Single Arm Dumbbell Push Presses to build to a 6RM by the third set.
No rest between D1 and D2.
2: Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press
Perform 3-6 reps on each arm after the strict presses.
Rest as needed.
Pause Squat Snatch
Find a challenging and technically strong triple within a 45-second window, incorporating a 2-second pause at the knee on each rep.
Time Cap: 15 minutes total working time.
Scoring: Weight (heavier is better).
Back Squat
Sets and Reps:
Set 1: 5 reps @ 70%
Set 2: 3 reps @ 80%
Set 3: Max reps @ 90% (AMRAP -1)
Set 4: 3 reps @ 80%
Set 5: Max reps @ 70% (max of 8 reps)
Rest: As needed
Notes: No more than 3 seconds pause between reps. Base your percentages on current or estimated 1RM. If detrained, start 5-10% below your 1RM for better success.
3 Alternating Sets
1: One-Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press
6 reps per side (rest 30 sec between sides)
Complete 3-6 more Single Arm Dumbbell Push Presses to build to a 6RM by the third set.
No rest between D1 and D2.
2: Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press
Perform 3-6 reps on each arm after the strict presses.
Rest 30 seconds before moving to D3.
3: Bent Over Thumbs Up Dumbbell Reverse Flies
10 reps
Rest as needed.
Handstand Walk and Handstand Push-Ups (Every 3 minutes for 3 Sets)
25 ft Handstand Walk
10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
25 ft Handstand Walk
AMRAP Strict Handstand Push-Ups until the 90-second mark
Adjust the rep range to finish the second handstand walk by the 60-second mark.
Scoring: Total strict handstand push-ups (higher is better).
Wall Walks, Double Unders, and Ring Dips (Every 3 minutes for 3 Sets)
3 Wall Walks
40 Double Unders
3 Wall Walks
AMRAP Ring Dips until the 90-second mark