
Gymnastics Strength   

3 Alternating Sets

  1. Elevated Plate Step (Wall Facing)Sets: 4

  • Reps: 10 steps

  • Rest: As needed

  • Instructions: Alternate the lead hand for each step. Start with a small plate and increase height only if you can complete the set unbroken and with control. If not, maintain the current height.

2. Strict Ring Dip

  • Reps: 12 for men / 9 for women

  • Rest: 3 minutes between sets

  • Instructions: Begin unassisted if possible. If you reach failure, quickly use a band to complete the reps.

Interval Gymnastics based Workout

Part 1: 

4-Minute AMRAP

  • Toes to bar: 7 reps

  • Target Burpees: 7 reps

  • Rest: 2 minutes before Part 2

Part 2: 

2-Minute AMRAP

  • Wall Walks: As many reps as possible

    • If you cannot complete the wall walks correctly and with full range of motion, then switch to KB Overhead Carry doing sets of 10m @ 24/16kg.

  • Rest: 4 minutes before Part 3

Part 3:

4-Minute AMRAP

  • Dual Dumbbell Shoulder to Overheads: 7 reps @ 22,5/15kg

  • Burpees Over The Dumbells: 7 reps

  • Rest: 2 minutes before Part 4

Part 4:

2-Minute AMRAP

  • Wall Walks: As many reps as possible

    • If you cannot complete the wall walks correctly and with full range of motion, then switch to KB Overhead Carry doing sets of 10m @ 24/16kg.

Extra Credit - Overhead Finisher

Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry

  • Distance: 120 meters (400 feet)

  • Weight: 24 kg / 16 kg (53 lbs / 35 lbs)

  • Instructions: Perform 15-meter (50-foot) turnarounds.

    • Skip this part if you have completed OH Carries on the interval Workout.


Upper Body Pressing Progressions 

 Option 1: Split Jerk (Pause in Dip)

  • Duration: 10 minutes

  • Task: Find a max 1-rep Split Jerk with a 1-second pause in the dip before the drive.

Option 1: Alternating Sets

  • Sets: 4

Top of Head Level Shoulder Press Overcoming Iso

  • Duration: 10 seconds

  • Effort: 100% effort throughout

  • Rest: 2 minutes

Banded Push Presses

  • Reps: 4

  • Weight: 70% of max

  • Instructions: Perform touch and go reps with an aggressive punch to lockout. Build to a heavy triple by the final set, using the smallest band tension available.

  • Rest: As needed

Option 2: Strict Ring Dip

  • Sets: 4

  • Reps: 18 for men / 14 for women

  • Rest: 3 minutes between sets

  • Instructions: Start unassisted. If you reach failure, quickly use a band to complete the reps.

Option 2: Bottom of Ring Dip Hold

  • Sets: 3

  • Duration: 15-18 seconds

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets

  • Instructions: Add a band if needed.

Core Finishers: Paused Arch to Hollow Swing

  • Sets: 3

  • Reps: 8-10

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets

  • Instructions: Keep the movement as strict as possible with a 1-second pause in each position. 1 hollow + 1 arch = 1 rep.

Workout for Time - 4-Part "Test"

Part 1: 4-Minute AMRAP

  • Strict Handstand Push-Ups: 7 reps

  • Bar Facing Burpees: 7 reps

  • Rest: 2 minutes before Part 2

Part 2: 2-Minute AMRAP

  • Wall Walks: As many reps as possible

  • Rest: 4 minutes before Part 3

Part 3: 4-Minute AMRAP

  • Shoulder to Overheads: 7 reps @ 70 kg / 48 kg (155 lbs / 105 lbs)

  • Burpees to Target: 7 reps, 15 cm (6 inches) above reach

  • Rest: 2 minutes before Part 4

Part 4: 2-Minute AMRAP

  • Handstand Walk: As many reps as possible


Wednesday 19/06/2024


Monday 17/06/2024