Wednesday 23/09/2020

Session 1

Part A

Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 sets)

Front Squat x 4 @85%

Part B (Aerobic Endurance)

Emom for 24:00 (6 Rounds)

M1: Assault bike x 10-20cal

M2: Double Unders x 40-60

M3: Clean and Jerk x 3 @100/65kg

*no more than 80% of 1rm

M4: Rest

Session 2

Part A (Strength)

3 Sets of

A: Deadlift x 4 *Maintain speed and mechanics

B: 30sec Plank on Rings

C: 30sec Side plank on Rings*Use weighted vest if you want to make it more challenging

End of program

End of program


Friday 25/09/2020


Tuesday 22/09/2020