Wednesday 14/06/2023
“Muscles are more than mere twitching fibers; they are powerful organs that profoundly impact your overall health and well-being. Treat them with care and watch how they positively influence your body and vitality.”
- Deadlift:
- Set 1 - 3 reps at 65% of 1RM
- Set 2 - 3 reps at 75% of 1RM
- Set 3 - Maximum reps at 85% of 1RM
- Set 4 - 3 reps at 65% of 1RM
- Rest as needed
- AMRAP (-1) before failure or loss of form.
- Every minute for 12 minutes (3 rounds):
- Minute 1: 8 Dumbbell One-Arm Overhead Walking Lunge Steps at 22,5/15 kg, Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups
- Minute 2: Easy pull on the Rower for 1 minute
- Minute 3: 8 Dumbbell One-Arm Overhead Walking Lunge Steps at 22.5/15 kg, Max Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
- Minute 4: Easy spin on the Assault Bike for 1 minute
- Switch the arm used for the dumbbell lunges in each round of the EMOM.
Optional Work
- 2 sets of maximum reps
- Rest 2 minutes between sets
- First set: AMRAP (-2)
- Second set: AMRAP (-1) with good form, speed, and control.
- Accumulate 10 reps
- Take 10 seconds per rep for quality.
Power Snatch:
- 4 sets of 3 reps
- Rest 3 minutes between sets
- Aim for a strong/technical 3RM
- Set 1: 3 reps (65% of 1RM)
- Set 2: 3 reps (75% of 1RM)
- Set 3: Max reps (85% of 1RM)
- Set 4: 3 reps (75% of 1RM)
- Set 5: 3 reps (65% of 1RM)
- Rest as needed
- AMRAP (-1) = stop 1 rep before failure/loss in form/technique
- 4 sets of max reps
- Rest 2 minutes between sets
- First 2 sets: AMRAP (-2)
- Last 2 sets: AMRAP (-1) with good form/speed/control
10 Unloaded Jefferson Curls:
- Accumulate 10 reps
- 10 seconds per rep for quality
EMOM 12 minutes (3 rounds):
Minute 1:
- 8 Front Squats @ 84/61 kg
- Max Muscle-Ups
Minute 2:
- Assault Bike Easy Spin for 1 minute
Minute 3:
- 4 Squat Cleans @ 84/61 kg
- Handstand Walk Max Distance
Minute 4:
- Assault Bike Easy Spin for 1 minute
EMOM 12 minutes (3 rounds):
Minute 1:
- 8 DB One-Arm Overhead Walking Lunge Steps @ 32/23 kg
- Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Minute 2:
- Assault Bike Easy Spin for 1 minute
Minute 3:
- 8 DB One-Arm Overhead Walking Lunge Steps @ 32/23 kg
- Max Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Minute 4:
- Assault Bike Easy Spin for 1 minute
*Switch arms each round of EMOM
Intent: Squat/Knee Flexion + Gymnastics volume building.
- Elite athletes: Aim for max reps each round.
- Others: Set specific goals for each movement and pace accordingly.
Feel: Perform at a moderate intensity.
Extra Credit Part 1 - Compression Strength:
- V-up hold @ 75% of max time from week 1 x4-5, rest as needed
- Lower to 55% if needed
- Hollow body position, feet touching, knees locked out, elbows in contact with knees
- Scale: Minimize knee bend to make contact, then hold
Accumulate 50 tuck-rocks:
- Elbows stay in contact with knees
Extra Credit Part 2:
- 40-30-20-10 Reps for Time:
- Crossover Single Unders
- GHD Sit-Up