Effort is only valuable when directed towards what truly counts.




Alternating sets:


- Barbell Bench Press:

- Set 1: 5 reps @ 50% of 3RM

- Set 2: 5 reps @ 60% of 3RM

- Set 3: Max reps @ 70% of 3RM (AMRAP - 1)

- Use 5% under your 3RM if tired or struggling to hit percentages.

- Rest 1 minute


- 5-7 Band Assisted Strict Ring Muscle Ups

- Focus on quality/technique/transitions.

- Easier on pulling today.

- Rest 2 minutes and 30 seconds

Every 7 minutes, 2 sets:

On a 5min clock:

Set1: 40/32 Cal Row - AMRAP burpees over the rower

Set2: 40/32 Cal Assault Bike - AMRAP Double Unders on the remaining time

Optional Work

2 alternating sets:


- False Grip Chest To Rings Hold for Max Duration

- Increase by 5 seconds compared to last week's best hold.

- Rest 1 minute


- False Grip Passive Hang with Turn Out for Max Duration

- Increase by 5 seconds compared to last week's best hold.

- Rest 1 minute




3 sets of wrist/shoulder prep:

- 8-10 Reverse Push-Ups on Wrists (knees supported)

- 5-15 seconds False Grip Passive Hang with Lax Ball (ring turnout)

3 alternating sets:


- Barbell Bench Press

- Set 1: 5 reps @ 50% (based on 3 RM)

- Set 2: 5 reps @ 60% (based on 3 RM)

- Set 3: Max reps @ 70% (based on 3 RM, AMRAP (-1))

- Rest 1 minute

- Back off week on bench

- If tired or struggling to hit percentages, use 5% under your 3RM from testing.


- 5-7 Band Assisted Strict Ring Muscle Ups

- Focus on quality/technique/transitions

- Intended to be easier on pulling today

- Rest 2 minutes and 30 seconds

3 alternating sets:


- False Grip Chest To Rings Hold for Max Duration

- Increase by 5 seconds compared to last week's best hold

- Rest 1 minute


- False Grip Passive Hang with Turn Out for Max Duration

- Increase by 5 seconds compared to last week's best hold

- Rest 1 minute

Every 9 minutes, 2 sets:

7-minute Clock:

- 40/32 Calorie Row

- AMRAP C2 Bike Calories in remaining time

Every 9 minutes, 2 sets:

7-minute Clock:

- 40/32 Calorie C2 Bike

- AMRAP Row Calories in remaining time

Intent: Maximize sustainable aerobic capacity work - now with added time.

Target: Maintain the same effort level each set. Push as hard as possible without reaching a state that requires you to drop off at any point.

Feel: Moderate to intense, but you should finish the session with a sense of having something "left in the tank."


Wednesday 14/06/2023


Monday 12/06/2023