True life-altering paths are not predetermined or chosen; they manifest unexpectedly, molding our character in distinct ways as we embrace and overcome the challenges that arise.




Squat Clean and Jerk:

Set 1: 1.1 reps @ 84-86%

Set 2: 1.1 reps @ 88-92%

Rest as needed

Front Squat

1 set

1 rep @ 89% of 3RM

Rest 30 sec

Then 2 reps

Rest 30 sec

Then 3 reps

Rest 30 sec and continue adding 1 rep until 9/10 RPE

EMOM for 12:00

3 rounds:

M1: 6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

M2: 9 Clean and Jerks at (52/34 kg)

M3: 12 Box Jumps


2 alternating sets:

1. Max Knee Over Toes Bodyweight Split Squats

Rest 90 sec

2. 6-8 Narrow Stance Good Mornings

Rest 90 sec




Squat Clean and Jerk:

Set 1: 1.1 reps @ 84%

Set 2: 1.1 reps @ 88%

Set 3: 1.1 reps @ 92+%

Rest as needed

*rest 45 sec between singles

*should be tough & heavy, adjust loading on final set based on feel

Front Squat

2 sets:

Front Squat: 1 rep @ 89% of 3RM

Rest 30 sec

Then 2 reps

Rest 30 sec

Then 3 reps

Rest 30 sec & continue to add 1 rep until 9/10 RPE, leaving 1 rep in reserve for the day.

*Put the bar back in the rack during rest break.

*If unsure of current 3RM, either build to a tough triple (not a true max, keep it 9/10 RPE), or use 5-10% less than all-time best as starting point for successful volume/quality training sets.

3 alternating sets:

1. Max Knee Over Toes Bodyweight Split Squats

*AMRAP (-2) each side with good form - focus on quad squeeze & deep ROM in hip/ankle

Rest 90 sec

2. 6-8 Narrow Stance Good Mornings

*focus on glute squeeze & strong midline, keep effort below 8/10 RPE

Rest 90 sec

Every 3 min for 15 min (5 rounds):

15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

15 Box Jump Overs (61/51 cm)

10 Clean and Jerks @ 70/48 kg

Intent: Mixed CrossFit intervals with a hinging focus. Adjust loads to finish each round within 2 min.

Target: Perform CTB and box jumps at open effort. Cycle barbell with fast singles under fatigue.

Feel: Challenging, aim to finish under 2 min. Adjust loads as needed to stay within the time cap.

10 min AMRAP for quality:

5/side Seated 90/90 Hip Swivels + Hip Extension- each rep takes 5 sec

12/side Bent Knee SL Calf Raise- wall facing

Optional Part 1:

Wall Facing Handstand Push Up (HSPU)

3 sets of Max reps

Rest 3 min between sets

*no tempo this week

*rest 3 min between sets with easy bike spin

Optional Part 2:

3 alternating sets:

1. Max Box Handstand Push-Ups for 15 sec

*wear vest this week

Rest 20 sec

2. Wall Facing Handstand Hold for Max Duration

*wear vest this week

*40 sec cap

Rest 3 min


Tuesday 13/06/2023


Saturday 10/06/2023