The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.”
— Brian Herbert




Partner Workout

For Time:

30 alternating rope climbs, focusing on quick sets of 2 with tap and go on the floor.

Sandbag Carry:

- 2 sets, 30 seconds each, of max distance sandbag carry. Choose a challenging weight. Rest 2 minutes between sets.

Partner Workout:

Complete the following exercises with a partner, aiming for the shortest total time:

3 rounds:

- 25 Box Jump-Overs (BJO) on a 24/20" box

- 91 Double-Unders (DU)

3 rounds:

- 25 Overhead Squats (OHS) at 43/29 kg

- 91 Double-Unders (DU)

3 rounds:

- 25 Bar Muscle-Ups (BMU)

- 91 Double-Unders (DU)

Alternate with your partner, breaking up reps as needed to support and assist each other.




A. Legless Rope Climbs:

Complete six legless rope climbs within a 6-minute time limit. If you can complete them in under 90 seconds, wear a 9/6 kg vest.

B. Rope Climbs Cluster Sets:

Perform 12 rope climbs in cluster sets of 2, aiming for a quick turnaround between reps. Tap and go on the floor for each set of 2 reps. Rest for 10–20 seconds between every set of 2 reps.

C. Sandbag Carry:

Perform three sets of a 30-second maximum-distance sandbag carry. Choose a heavy and challenging weight. Rest for 2 minutes between sets.

D. Banded Pistol Practice:

Complete the following banded pistol exercises for time:

40 Banded Pistols

Rest for 1 minute

30 Banded Pistols

Rest for 1 minute

20 Banded Pistols

Set the band at parallel and sit into the band, ensuring your hip crease is below your knee. Allow the band to assist you on the rebound of the pistol. Focus on maintaining quality mechanics and speed.

E.Partner Workout:

Complete the following exercises with a partner, aiming for the shortest total time:

3 rounds:

25 Box Jump-Overs (BJO) on a 24/20" box

91 Double-Unders (DU)

3 rounds:

25 Overhead Squats (OHS) at 43/29 kg

91 Double-Unders (DU)

3 rounds:

25 Bar Muscle-Ups (BMU)

91 Double-Unders (DU)

Alternate with your partner, breaking up reps as needed to support and assist each other.

F. Extra Credit: Unbroken Wall-Facing Strict Handstand Push-Ups (HSPU):

For time, complete 8 sets of 4 unbroken wall-facing strict handstand push-ups (HSPU). If this is easy, perform with a 3-inch deficit.

G. Extra Credit: Handstand Push-Up Training:

Perform three alternating sets of the following:

H1: Max Pike Handstand Push-Ups for 30 seconds with feet on a box Rest for 30 seconds.

H2: Wall-facing strict handstand push-ups for the maximum duration within a 60-second time cap. Rest for 3 minutes.


Monday 12/06/2023


Friday 09/06/2023