Tuesday 16/04/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


A. Strict Press (11X3 tempo)

  • Sets: 4

  • Repetitions: Max reps, stop two reps before failure (AMRAP -2).

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets.

  • Weight: Use the same weight as last week.

B. Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry

  • Sets: 3

  • Distance: 40 meters per set.

  • Rest: 1 minute between sets.

  • Focus: Lockout and stability.

C. Handstand and Core Stability Circuit

  • Sets: 3

  • Exercises:

    • Wall Facing Handstand Hold with Knees Tucked: 20-35 seconds.

      • Rest: 30 seconds.

    • Forearm Front Plank: 30-45 seconds.

      • Rest: 30 seconds.

    • Repeat Wall Facing Handstand Hold with Knees Straight: 20-35 seconds.

      • Rest: 30 seconds.

    • 400m Run

  • Rest between Sets: 3 minutes.

D. Extra Credit

Conversational Pace Bike: Duration: 10-20 minutes.


Option 1: Pre-Competition Low Impact Recovery

  • Activities:

    • Bike: 3 minutes at 65-75% effort.

    • Row: 2 minutes at 65-75% effort.

    • Ski: 1 minute at 65-75% effort.

      • Foam Rolling: 45 seconds per major body part on each side (hamstrings, quads, lats).

  • Sets: 3-4

  • Heart Rate Goal: 110-120 BPM throughout.

Option 2: Pre-Competition High Intensity

Seated Legless Rope Climbs

  • Repetitions: 2

  • Details: Legless ascent and descent, feet off ground before hips rise, hips touch ground before feet on descent.

  • Sets: 1, As Fast As Possible (AFAP).

Circuit (Every Minute for 6 Minutes, 2 Rounds)

  • Minute 1:

    • 2 Rope Climbs to 4.5 meters.

    • 20 Crossover Double Unders.

  • Minute 2:

    • 12-15 GHD Sit-Ups.

    • 5-10 V-Ups.

  • Minute 3:

    • 5 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups (HSPUs) using 7.6 cm.

    • 5 Kipping Deficit HSPUs using 7.6 cm.

    • 5 Dual Dumbbell Shoulder to Overheads (22.7/15.9 kg).

Strength Training

  • Exercise: Max Barbell Bench Presses.

  • Intensity: 75% of 1RM.

  • Instructions: Stop one rep before failure or when you start to grind.


  • Duration: Every 90 seconds for 4:30 (3 rounds).

  • Exercises:

    • Assault Bike: 15 seconds for max calories.

    • Rest: 10 seconds.

    • Burpee Box Jump-Overs: 7 reps at 61/51 cm.

  • Instruction: Complete as fast as possible (AFAP).