Monday 15/04/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


Max Pause Strict Pull-Ups

  • Objective: Complete as many reps as possible (AMRAP) of strict pull-ups with a 1-second pause with the chin over the bar.

  • Sets: 3

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets.

  • Note: Use the same resistance band as last week if applicable.

3 Alternating Sets:

  • A. Ring Support Hold

    • Duration: 30 seconds, split into two 15-second segments.

    • Rest: As needed.

  • B. Bottom of Ring Dip Hold

    • Duration: 30 seconds, split into two 15-second segments.

    • Note: Use a resistance band if needed to maintain unbroken sets.

    • Rest: Minimal, just enough to perform the next 15 seconds.

  • C. Max Tempo Push ups

    • Duration: 30 seconds

    • Tempo: 21X1

3 Alternating Sets:

  • Objective: Strengthen the shoulder and oblique muscles.

  • Repetitions: 10 per side.

  • Rest: 1 minute between sets.

  • Objective: Perform 12-14 reps per set focusing on lower body strength.

  • Rest: 1 minute between sets.

  • Load: Use the same weight as last week aiming for more reps.

  • Objective: Strengthen the posterior chain with increased loading.

  • Repetitions: 10

  • Rest: 1 minute between sets.

Row Progressions

  • 2000m Row

    • Pace: Target pace for upcoming 5k test.

    • Rest: 3-4 minutes.

  • Interval Sprints

    • Every 2.5 minutes: 12 pulls for maximum meters, damper setting high (10/8).

    • Sets: 3

    • Rest: 10 minutes after 2 rounds of 2000m.

    • Note: Aim for maximal effort without pacing.


A. Option 1: Strength Focus (No Metcon)

Every Minute for 5 Minutes (5 Sets):

  • Exercise: 1 Hang Clean + 2 Front Squats.

  • Objective: Build to 80% of 1RM Clean.

  • Progression: Start at approximately 60% of 1RM Clean and increase weight each minute, up to 5 sets total.

B.  Option 1: (No Metcon)

For Time:

  • 1 Hand Release Burpee Box Jump Over (76 cm)

  • 1 Squat Snatch @ 66/48 kg

  • 2 Hand Release Burpee Box Jump Overs

  • 2 Squat Snatches @ 66/48 kg

Continue increasing each by one until 4 Hand Release Burpee Box Jump Overs and 4 Squat Snatches.

C. Option 1: Strength and Conditioning (No Metcon)

2 Alternating Sets of:

  • A. Copenhagen Side Planks

    • Duration: 20 seconds per side.

    • Rest: 1 minute.

  • B. Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows

    • Repetitions: 10 per side.

    • Tempo: 2020.

    • Intensity: 8/10 RPE, focusing on muscle pump.

    • Rest: 1 minute.

A. Option 2: Conditioning (No Strength)

Every Minute for 5 Minutes (5 Rounds):

  • Exercises: 3 Shuttle Runs (15.2 meters each) + 3 Touch and Go Hang Power Cleans.

  • Objective: Work towards a strong triple clean with good speed.

Β. Option 2: Time Challenge (No Strength)

For Time:

  • 12 Deadlifts @ 102/70 kg + 12 Butterfly Pull-Ups

  • 9 Deadlifts @ 102/70 kg + 9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  • 6 Deadlifts @ 102/70 kg + 6 Bar Muscle-Ups

  • Note: Athletes change their own weights.

C. Option 2: Skill Development (No Strength)

Duration: 20 minutes of skill work focusing on:

D. Option 2: Endurance (No Strength)

For Time:

  • Row 50 calories at 5k race effort.

  • 100 Double-Unders.

  • Row 50 calories at 2k race effort.

    • Goal: Finish feeling strong and confident on the rower. Hard efforts but not at maximum capacity.