Wednesday 17/04/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


3 Alternating Sets

  1. Supinated Barbell Bent Over Rows

    • Perform 12 reps with an 11X2 tempo.

    • Use the same weight as the previous week aiming for more reps.

    • Rest 1 minute after each set.

  2. Single Arm Hang From Rings

    • Hang for 10-20 seconds per arm.

    • Rest for 2 minutes before repeating the cycle.

Every Minute on the Minute for 15-20 Minutes (3-4 Rounds):

  • 20sec Max Reps / 40sec Rest

  1. Minute 1: Jumping Air Squats, targeting a 6-inch jump.

  2. Minute 2: Assault Bike Calories.

  3. Minute 3: Jumping Lunges.

  4. Minute 4: Row Calories.

  5. Minute 5: Rest.

Extra Credit - Weighted GHD Hip Extentions

  • Perform 18-20 reps for 3 sets.

  • Rest 1 minute between sets.

  • Use the same weight as last week, targeting more reps without pausing.


Tapering Session

EMOM x 8min

  • M1: 1 Back Squat or Deadlift at 75% 1RM (Tempo 21X1)

  • M2: 3-5 Burpee Box Jumps *Tall Box

    • Goal: Speed and Technique

EMOM x 8min

  • M1: 1 Power Snatch at at 75% 1RM P.Snatch

  • M2 : 3 Touch and go Clean and Jerks with the same weight.

    • Goal: Speed and Technique

EMOM x 12min

  • M1: 1-2 Strict Muscle ups

  • M2: 2 kipping Chest to bar + 4 kipping pull ups + 6 Toes to Bar

  • M3: 10sec Sprint on Assault Bike

  • M4: 1-2 Strict Deficit HSPU *RPE 7/10

  • M5: 3-4 Kipping Deficit HSPU

  • M6: 10sec Max Double or Single cross-overs

“Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.” – Napoleon Hill
— Quote Source