Monday 15/07/2024
A. Warmup
0-5 mins: General Warmup
5 minutes on a machine of your choice
General warmup routine (coach choice)
5-10 mins: Snatch Warmup
10-15 mins: Workout-Specific Prep
2 sets:
3-4 wall balls
3-4 power snatches
3-4 box jump overs
B. Max Load Complex in 3 attempts
3 Snatches
2 Overhead Squats
1 Hang Squat Snatch (max load)
Any style snatch for the first 3 reps (power is allowed)
Final snatch must be a squat snatch
Any position hang is allowed
C. EMOM for 18:00 (3 sets)
M1: 15/11 cal Assault Bike
M2: 15 Wall Ball Shots: 9/6 kg
M3: 15 Power Snatches: 30/20 kg
M4: 15 Box Jump Overs: 61/51 cm
M5: 60 Double Unders
M6: Rest
D. Extra Credit - Ring Muscle-Up Skill Work
Option 1: Got None
A. 2 "small" ring swings into 1 "max-effort" ring swing x 4
Rest as needed
Focus: reaching with toes in the arch position, keeping legs and knees straight. Use a towel between the feet if needed.
Film each rep and watch it back before completing the next set.
B. 1 "max-effort" ring swing + open hip front swing x 4
Rest as needed
Keep bodyline position from "A" and add a hip drive during the transition into the front swing.
C. 1 "max-effort" ring swing + open hip front swing with aggressive pull to shoulders x 4
Rest as needed
Combine steps A and B with a focus on getting the shoulders as high as possible.
D. 2-position jumping muscle ups x 4-6
Rest 30-60 sec
Ensure shoulders are the highest point, followed by the hips.
Option 2: Got Some
Every 90 sec x 5 sets:
45 sec max Ring muscle ups
No need to be unbroken
1. Warmup
0-5 mins: General Warmup
5 minutes on a machine of your choice
General warmup routine of your choice
5-10 mins: Snatch Warmup
10-15 mins: Workout-Specific Prep
2-3 sets:
30 sec Assault bike (increase pace each set to goal pace)
3-4 wall balls
3-4 power snatches
3-4 toes-to-bars (TTB)
Rest: 90 sec easy bike spin
2. Strength Option 1
Find a Max of the Following Complex:
3 Snatches
2 Overhead Squats
1 Hang Squat Snatch (max load)
Any style snatch for the first 3 reps
Final snatch must be a squat snatch
Any position hang is allowed
3. Strength Option 2
Back Squat (21X1 Tempo):
Set 1: 10 reps @ 60%
Set 2: 8 reps @ 70%
Set 3: 6 reps @ 75%
Set 4: 4 reps @ 80%
Rest as needed between sets
If unsure of current 1RM or haven't tested in a while, work to a heavy single for future percentages.
If feeling tired from the last cycle, skip today's progressions.
4. Pacing Test
3 Rounds for Time:
Assault Bike: 15/11 calories
15 Wall Ball Shots: 20/14 lbs (9/6 kg)
15 Power Snatches: 75/55 lbs (34/25 kg)
15 Toes-to-Bars
Assault Bike: 15/11 calories
Rest 90 seconds between each round
90% effort every round, last round at 100% effort
note split time for every round
Your score is your total time for all 4 sets
Maintain maximum sustainable pace for the first 3 rounds. In the last round, push as hard as possible to achieve the fastest split. Your score is the total time.
5. Extra Work Choose only 1-2 Parts of the following:
Glute Activations / Knee injury Prevention - 3 Alternating Sets
3 reps/each position per side
Rest as needed
Clam Shell Iso Hold
30 seconds
5 sec rest between every 10 seconds
Rest as needed
Strength Work / Weightlifting
If you have completed Back Squats in the main workout do not do this part.
Face Up Chinese Plank
1 minute
Rest 30 seconds
Front Squats
10 reps
8/10 RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)
Second set heavier than the first, leave 2 reps in the tank
Rest as needed
Gymnastics - Ring Muscle-Ups
For Time:
30 Muscle-Ups
Time Cap: 9 minutes
Must start with AMRAP (-2) set
AMRAP (-2) means two away from failure—this should be a very hard set but ensure you don't fail your last rep.
Gymnastic Strength
3 Alternating Sets
Max Strict Ring Dips
AMRAP unbroken reps (-3)
Rest 10 seconds
Ring Support Hold
Accumulate 30 seconds
Rest 3 minutes