Tuesday 16/07/2024
A. Warmup
0-5 mins: General Warmup
5 minutes on machine
5-10 mins: Main Warmup (Coach choice)
10-15 mins: Workout Specific Prep
2-3 sets:
8/6 calorie row (increase pace every 10 sec to 90%)
2-3 burpees to 15 cm above reach
Rest 90 seconds
B. Barbell Bench Press
Build to a Max Load
Perform a tough single for the day.
C. Row/Burpee Test
Every minute for 20 minutes (10 Rounds):
M1: Row 8 - 12 calories
M2: 8 - 12 Burpees to a target 15 cm above reach
Settle into a pace that minimizes drop-off from round to round.
Aim for a consistent rep count.
C. Extra Credit - Gymnastics
Option 1: Got None
Chest-to-Bar Skill
Break into smaller sets as needed.
Break into singles if necessary.
Focus on timing in the 'float' position with toes out in front.
Option 2: Got Some
Chest-to-Bar Skill
1 x AMRAP (-3) Unbroken CTB
Perform as many reps as possible, minus 3.
Rest 2 minutes.
For Time: 10-8-6-4-2 Unbroken CTB
Perform the reps in descending order, each set unbroken.
Rope Climb Technique / Strength
Accumulate 4 Rope Climbs with Legless Descent
First 2 reps: Perform 1 pull up the rope and complete a legless descent.
If comfortable, increase to 2 pulls.
Control the legless descent below a line 1.4 meters from the ground.
Time Cap: 12 minutes.
1. Warmup
0-5 mins: General Warmup
5 minutes on a machine
5-10 mins: Gymnastics Pulling Warmup
10-15 mins: Workout Specific Prep
2-3 sets:
8/6 calorie row (increase pace every 10 sec to 90%)
2-3 burpees to 15 cm above reach
2. Row/Burpee Test
10 Rounds for Time:
Row 15/12 calories
15 Burpees to a target 15 cm above reach
Time Cap: 22 minutes
Intent: This is our Week 1 Row/Burpee Benchmark test. We will retest this workout on week 8 of this training cycle.
Settle into a pace that minimizes drop-off from round to round.
Aim for an aggressive kick on the last round.
3. Barbell Bench Press
Build to a Max Load:
Perform a tough single for the day.
4. Gymnastics / Core-Tricep Work
3 Sets for Quality:
30 sec hanging L-Sit hold on bar
12-15 Standing Overhead Cable/Banded Tricep Extensions
30 sec Ring Support Hold
Extra Credit - Choose only one
Gymnastics / Pistol Technique Strength
Pistol Technique Work:
2 sets:
Leg Wrap Pistols: 5-6 slow/controlled reps each leg
Pistol Position Leg Lift: 3 reps with 3-5 sec isometric hold each rep
Tempo Knees Banded Pistol to Parallel: 4-5 super slow/controlled reps each leg
Rest as needed between each
Band Assisted Pistols: 20 for time x 3-4 sets; rest as needed between sets
Weighted Goblet Pistols @ 21x1 tempo: 10 Unbroken/side x 3 sets; rest as needed
Extra Credit - Gymnastics Pulling Strength
Option 1 - Advanced Level
For Time:
2 Seated L Legless Rope Climbs (3.96 meters)
4 Legless Rope Climbs (4.57 meters)
6 Rope Climbs (4.57 meters)
Time Cap: 10 minutes
Compare to 7/3/23
Seated Legless, Semifinal standard. Hands start below 1.4 meters tape line, feet off ground before hips. Must control back down to tape line before dropping.
Option 2 - Less Advanced Level
For Quality:
2 Rope Climbs with Legless Descent (climb with legs up, lower butt to floor before feet touch ground)
4 Rope Climbs
60 sec Top of Rope Pull-Up Iso hold (chin above bottom hand on rope)