Saturday 13/07/2024
Strength Training
Hand Release Deadlifts:
Perform 3 reps at maximum load.
Build to a challenging yet technical 3 reps for the day.
Compare to Week 1 results.
20-Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible)
Instructions: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of the following:
Row 300 meters
20 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches
Weight: 22.5 kg (50 lbs) for men / 15.8 kg (35 lbs) for women
Single Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge
Distance: 15 meters (50 feet)
For the alternating dumbbell hang power snatches, ensure each rep starts from a standing position, with the dumbbell hanging at your side.
For the overhead walking lunges, hold the dumbbell overhead with one arm, switch arms as needed to complete the distance.
Extra Credit - Bar Muscle-Up Skill Progression
Option 1: Starting from Scratch
If you began a Bar Muscle-Up (BMU) progression during the foundations cycle, continue here.
A. Quality Reps (5 reps of each step):
Jump to pike
Tight and patient arch
Toes rise (spot them)
Hip drive + press down on bar with straight arms
Note: Each step builds on the previous one. Do not skip any steps as you progress.
B. Practice Session:
Spend 10-15 minutes practicing spotted bar muscle-ups.
Spotting Notes:
Ask a proficient individual to assist you.
Focus on hitting each step while being spotted.
Spotting occurs after the toe rise and during the hip drive and press down.
The spotter places one arm under your legs and one on the bar, guiding you into the turnover by lifting your legs and pushing your chest over the bar simultaneously.
A. Warmup
0-5 mins: General warmup
5 minutes machine of choice OR General Warmup 1
5-10 mins: Gymnastics pulling warmup 1
10-15 mins: Specific workout prep
2-3 sets:
30 sec row (increase pace every 30 secs)
2-4 DB hang power snatches
2-4 steps single arm DB walking lunges
Rest 90 sec on an easy bike
B. Hand Release Deadlifts RETEST
3 reps at max load
Build to a tough but technical 3 reps for the day
Compare to Week 1
C. Strict Pull-Ups RETEST
30 Strict Pull-Ups for time
Time Cap: 8 minutes
No dropping from the top; control eccentric to the bottom
Compare to Week 1
D. 20-Minute AMRAP
Row 300 meters
20 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches @ 22.5 kg / 15.8 kg (50 lbs / 35 lbs)
Single Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge 15.24 meters (50 feet)
Extra Credit: Handstand Endurance
For max reps:
1. 90 sec AMRAP:
Handstand walk in 7.5m / 25 ft unbroken lengths
Rest 90 sec
2. 90 sec AMRAP:
Handstand hold in 4x4 box (accumulated time)
Rest 90 sec
3. 90 sec AMRAP:
2 wall walks
6 kipping handstand push-ups