
A. Warmup

0-5 mins: General warmup

  • 5 minutes on a machine of your choice (rower, bike, etc.)

General Warmup (Coach Choice):

  • Dynamic stretches

  • Arm circles

  • Leg swings

  • Skipping Rope

5-10 mins: Clean and Jerk Warmup

  • Clean pulls

  • Front squats

  • Overhead press

10-15 mins: Workout Specific Prep 2 sets:

  • 2-3 thrusters

  • 10-15 double unders

  • 2-3 deadlifts

  • 2-3 front rack DB lunges/side

B. Seated Vertical Jump

  • 5 sets of 5 reps

  • Rest 1 minute between sets 

    • Focus on speed/force development

    • Start sitted in bench or a sand bag

C. Build to a Heavy Single for the Day:

  • 1 Barbell Thruster @ Max Load (from the ground)

D. EMOM x 18 minutes

  • Minute 1: 8-10 Dumbell or KB Thrusters @ 15-16 / 8-12kg

  • Minute 2: 25-50 Double Unders or Speed Steps or high knees

  • Minute 3: 8-10 Deadlifts @ 100/65kg

  • Minute 4: 25-50 Double Unders

  • Minute 5: 8-10 DB front rack Reverse lunges @ 22,5/15kg

  • Minute 6: 30 seconds Ski or Bike @ 7/10 RPE

*40 second cap on each movement

Target: Choose a rep range that allows fast movement speed and unbroken sets with little to no drop off from the first minute to the last.

Feel: The workout should be moderate in intensity, focusing on movement speed and efficiency.

Extra Credit - Gymnastics / HandStand

Option 1: Got None (Handstand Walk Skill) 10 minutes practicing "lunge to kick ups" into the wall

  • Goal: Feel a balance point where your legs come together before reaching the wall. Think of kissing the wall with both heels vs. reaching the wall with force with one leg.

  • Key points: Biceps by ears

5 sets:

  • 1 wall-walk into 10-40 second wall-facing handstand hold

  • Rest as needed 

  • Focuses:

  1. Hands stacked directly under shoulders

  2. Feel some of your weight in your fingertips

  3. Actively press into the ground throughout the hold

  4. Squeeze legs and toes together, point toes

Option 2: Got Some (Handstand Walk Skill) EMOM 10 minutes:

  • 5m handstand walk for time 

    • *If you are getting less than 30 seconds of rest, increase to every 75-90 seconds


A. Warmup

  • 0-5 mins: General warmup

  • 5-10 mins: Clean and Jerk warmup

  • 10-15 mins: Workout specific prep

    • 2-3 sets:

      • 5 cal ski (increase pace to 85% every set)

      • 2-3 thrusters

      • 10-15 double unders

      • 2-3 deadlifts

      • 2-3 front rack DB walking lunges/side

    • Rest :90

B. Build to a Heavy Single for the Day

  1. Barbell Thruster @ Max Load

    • From the ground

C. 2-3 Alternating Sets

  • 10 Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps

    • 5/side alternating

    • No rest

  • Max Dumbbell Push Presses

    • AMRAP (-2) each set

    • No rest

  • Dual Dumbbell Overhead Carry 30m

    • Increase load each set so that final set is hardest/heaviest. Leave a little in the tank.

    • Rest 2 minutes

D. EMOM x 18-30 minutes

Min-1 - 8-10 Thrusters @ 43/30kg

Min-2 - 25-50 Double Unders

Min-3 - 8-10 Deadlifts @ 100/65kg

Min-4 - 25-50 Double Unders

Min-5 - 7.5-15m DB front rack walking lunge steps @ 22,5/15kg

Min-6 - 30 sec Ski @ 85% effort (hard, but sustainable effort)


  • Choose a rep range that allows you to maintain fast movement speed and unbroken sets, with little to no drop-off from the first minute to the last.


  • The workout should be moderate in intensity, focusing on movement speed and efficiency.

Optional Work:

  • Seated Vertical Jump

    • 5 sets of 5 reps

    • Rest 1 minute between sets

    • Focus on speed/force development


Thursday - Outdoor Workout 18/07/2024


Tuesday 16/07/2024