
A. Gait Warm-up Flow

B. Outdoor Workout 

  1. Ruck Start

    • 1.6 km (1 mile) Ruck at Zone 2 Pace with a 15 kg Ruck.

  2. Running

    • Workout: 200m Run on the 2-minute mark for 10 sets.

      • Objective: Maintain your maximum sustainable pace throughout. Track each set and find your average pace across all 10 sets.

      • Cap: 1 minute 15 seconds per 200m. If you can't maintain this pace, reduce the total distance.

  3. Ruck Finish

    • 1.6 km (1 mile) Ruck at Zone 2 Pace with a 15 kg Ruck.


is the activity of walking or hiking with a loaded backpack, often called a "ruck." This exercise is beneficial for building endurance, strength, and cardiovascular fitness.

Creating a Ruck at Home

  1. Choose a Backpack: Select a durable, comfortable backpack with padded shoulder straps and a waist belt to distribute the weight evenly.

  2. Weighing the Ruck: To meet the recommended weight standards of 15 kg equipment, you can fill your backpack with various items found at home, ideally hiking equipment.

Suggested Items to Include

  1. Water Bottles: Filled water bottles or hydration bladders can add significant weight and are practical for staying hydrated during your ruck.

  2. Books: Heavy books or textbooks can add weight evenly across the backpack.

  3. Clothing: Roll up clothes tightly to fill spaces and add weight incrementally.

  4. Dumbbells or Weight Plates: Secure these items to prevent movement.

  5. Canned Goods: Use canned food items to add weight and balance within the pack.

  6. Sandbags: Small, sealable bags filled with sand can be used to customize the weight precisely.

  7. Hiking Gear: Utilize gear such as a tent, sleeping bag, or other equipment you would typically take on a hike to simulate real-world rucking conditions.

Packing the Ruck

  • Bottom Layer: Place the heaviest items at the bottom of the backpack to stabilize the load.

  • Middle Layer: Add medium-weight items, ensuring they are balanced side-to-side.

  • Top Layer: Place lighter items on top for easy access and to maintain balance.



Friday 19/07/2024


Wednesday 17/07/2024