

Hang Power Clean

  • Find a 1 Rep Max (1RM) from any position.

  • Compare to your result from week 1.

Conditioning: 4 Sets for Time

As Fast as possible:

  1. 200m Row

  2. 100ft Farmers Carry with 4 Dumbbell Power Cleans every 25ft “22,5/15kg

  3. 200m Row

  4. Max alt. Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch @ 22,5/15kg until the 3-minute mark

Rest 3 minutes between sets.

Extra Credit - Posterior Chain Finisher

2 Alternating Sets of:

  1. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts

    • 8 reps @ 8/10 RPE

    • Focus on extra range of motion (ROM) and glute drive

    • Rest 30 seconds

  2. GHD Glute Ham Raises

    • 5-7 reps

    • Assist as needed with the upper body to complete reps non-stop

    • Rest 30 seconds

  3. Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls

    • 15-20 reps per side

    • Use a leg curl machine if available

    • Rest as needed

Extra Credit - Toes to Bar (TTB) Skill

Option 1: Got None

  1. Arch to Hollow on Bar

    • 2 sets of 8-10 reps

    • Keep legs together and straight in arch position.

  2. Arch to Knee Tuck

    • 2 sets of 8-10 reps

    • Same arch position, bring knees up to hip height in the front of the swing, keep legs straight in the back.

  3. TTB with Straight Legs in Arch

    • 2 sets of 8-10 reps

    • Bend knees to touch toes to bar if needed.

  4. TTB without Looking at the Bar

    • 2 sets of 8-10 reps

    • Look straight ahead, keep legs straight in arch position.

Note: Always return to a straight leg position in the arch.

Option 2: Got Some

  1. AMRAP (-1) Unbroken TTB

    • Rest 15 seconds

    • Repeat 3 times

    • Rest 3 minutes

    • Perform 1-3 sets, cap at 75 total reps for the day.



Hang Power Clean

  • Find a 1 Rep Max (1RM) from any position.

  • Compare your result to week 1.

For Time:

Box Jumps

  • 20 Box Jumps at 90/75cm

  • You must step down after each jump.

Conditioning: 4-8 Sets for Time

  1. 200m Row

  2. 100ft Farmers Carry

    • Perform 4 Dumbbell Power Cleans every 25ft.

  3. 200m Row

  4. 8 Unbroken Hang Power Snatch @ 52/35kg

Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.


  • This is week 5 of hinge/barbell cycling progressions with a grip endurance bias.

  • Warm up your forearms well.


  • Complete each movement unbroken.

  • Adjust row pacing to keep each hinge movement unbroken.


  • Challenging on the posterior chain with moderate to high respiration.

  • Warm up well!

Accessory Work

2 Alternating Sets of:

  1. Barbell Deficit Deadlifts

    • 8 reps @ 2" deficit, 8/10 RPE

    • Focus on extra range of motion (ROM) and glute drive

    • Rest 30 seconds

  2. Nordic Hamstring Curls

    • 5-7 reps

    • Assist as needed with the upper body to complete reps non-stop

    • Rest 30 seconds

  3. Seated Single Leg Hamstring Curls

    • 15-20 reps per side

    • Use a leg curl machine if available

    • Rest as needed

Extra Credit Part 1

Wall Facing Handstand Shrugs

  • 5 sets of 10 reps

  • Rest 30 seconds between sets

  • Hold for 5 seconds at the top of each rep

  • Press HARD through scapulae, shoulders, and hands during the hold.

Extra Credit Part 2

Wall Facing Handstand Hip Taps

  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps

  • Rest as needed

  • 8-10 alternating hip taps (4-5 per side)

  • Perform smooth and controlled reps, pressing the planted hand HARD into the ground.

Extra Credit Part 3

Handstand Walk for Time

  • Walk 200 feet

  • 50ft unbroken sections

  • If you rest longer than 30 seconds between lengths, lower to 25ft unbroken lengths.

Extra Credit Part 4

Every Minute for 5 Minutes (5 rounds):

  • Max Wall Walks for 30 seconds

  • Use a 6" elevation on the final step.


Friday 21/06/2024


Tuesday 18/06/2024