TUESDAY 27/7/2021

6 Total Intervals (A-B-C-A-B-C)

*On each interval Amrap 2:00/ Rest 2:00

Interval A:

5 Ring Muscle ups (or) kipping variations

10 HSPU (or) push ups

15 Box Jump Overs (or) step overs

Interval B:

5cal Assault bike

10cal Ski-erg

15cal Row

Interval C:

5 Dumbell Burpee to Snatch

10 Dumbell burpee to Clean

15 Dumbell Burpee to Deadlift

Rx:15/10kg dumbells

Optional Additional Work

3 Sets of:

Pallof press in hollow position x 10/each

Kettlebell Single leg/arm deadlift x 10/each

*Rest 1min between sets


WEDNESDAY 28/7/2021


MONDAY 26/7/2021