Wednesday 29/07/2020

Session 1 - Primary

Part A

Every 3:00 for 15:00 (5 sets)

Back Squat x 5 @80%

Part B

Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 sets)

Hang Clean x 3 @65-70%

Part C

3 Sets of

A: Romanian Deadlifts x 5

B: KB Bulgarian Split Squat x 8/each

Session 2 - Optional

Warm Up

4 Rounds for quality

400m Run

400m Row

Rest 5min before the next part…

Every 90sec For 9:00 (3 Rounds)

St1: Shuttle Sprints x 6

St2: Sprint Row x 150/100m Sprint

End of program

End of program


Thursday 30/07/2020


Tuesday 28/07/2020