Saturday 27/07/2024
A. Warmup
0-5 mins: General warmup
5 minutes on machine of choice
AND General warmup
5-10 mins: OH Mobility
10-15 mins: Workout-specific prep
2-3 sets:
3 clean and jerks
1-3 burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups
Main Workout of the Day
10 Rounds for Time:
3 Power Clean and Jerks Adv: 61/43 kg Inter: 52/34 kg Beg: 43/30 kg
3 Muscle-Ups or Burpee Chest to bar Pull ups
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Chin-Up (Supinated Grip Strict Pull-Up)
5 sets of 3 reps @ 85-90%
Rest 90 seconds between sets
85-90% of last week's 3RM
Barbell Bench Press
Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 8 reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets
2 reps in reserve each set
A. Warmup
0-5 mins: General warmup
5 minutes on machine of choice
AND General warmup
5-10 mins: OH Mobility
10-15 mins: Workout-specific prep
2-3 sets:
30 sec bike @ 80%
3 clean and jerks
1-3 ring muscle-ups
Rest: 90 seconds easy bike
B. Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (2 rounds):
Minutes 1-2: Max wall-facing strict handstand push-ups
Minutes 3-4: Max strict handstand push-ups
Max kipping handstand push-ups
AMRAP (-1) for all sets and reps
C. Chin-Up (Supinated Grip Strict Pull-Up)
5 sets of 3 reps @ 85-90%
Rest 90 seconds between sets
85-90% of last week's 3RM
D. 10 Rounds for Time:
3 Power Clean and Jerks @ 61/43 kg
3 Muscle-Ups
Time Cap: 15 minutes
E. Barbell Incline Bench Press
Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 8 reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets
2 reps in reserve each set
F. Optional Work - 3 Rounds for Time:
5 Sandbag to Shoulders @ 68/45 kg
15 Army Style Hanging Knee Tucks
5 Bar Pull Overs
Rest: 2-3 minutes between rounds