
A. Warmup

0-10 mins: General warmup

10-15 mins: Workout Specific Prep if you are doing the Extra Rowing session

  • 2-3 sets:

    • 45 sec row (increase pace every 15 secs: easy / moderate / hard)

    • Rest 90 sec Rest

B. Weightlifting

3 sets: As Many Reps as possible in 2 minutes:

  • Clean and Jerks

    • Rest 2 minutes between sets

    • Set 1: 65% of 1RM C/J

    • Set 2: 70% of 1RM C/J

    • Set 3: 75% of 1RM C/J

C. Front Squats

Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):

  • 5 Front Squats

    • Load per set: 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%

D. Deadlift Auto Regulation

  • Starting at 3 reps @ 80% of last cycle’s 3RM Hand Release

    • Rest 45 sec, then do 4 reps

    • Rest 45 sec, then do 5 reps

    • Continue until you reach a 9/10 RPE or form/speed declines (Touch and Go allowed)

    • Note: If you didn’t perform last cycle’s 3RM, build to a heavy hand release triple for the day, then start the percentage work. Max of 4 sec reset between reps.

E. Extra Credit - Rowing Intervals

1-2 total sets:

  1. Row - 100m @ Easy pace

  2. Row - 100m @ 60min pace

  3. Row - 100m @ 30min pace

  4. Row - 100m @ 5k pace

  5. Row - 100m @ 2k pace

Directly into:

  • 60 sec GHD sit-ups

  • 60 sec dual KB Overhead Carry @ 16/12 kg (7.5m - 25ft = 1 rep)

  • 60 sec dual KB Power Snatches @ 16/12 kg

    • Rest 3 min 


A. Warmup

0-10 mins: General Warmup

10-15 mins: Workout Specific Prep

  • 2-3 sets:

    • 45 sec row (increase pace every 15 secs: easy / moderate / hard)

    • Rest 90 sec: easy row or walk

B. Weightlifting

3 sets: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 2 minutes

  • Clean and Jerks

    • Rest 2 minutes between sets

    • Set 1: 65% of 1RM C/J

    • Set 2: 70% of 1RM C/J

    • Set 3: 75% of 1RM C/J

      • Note: Each rep must be completed before the 2-minute mark.

C. (Optional Part) - Front Squats

Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets)

  • 5 Front Squats

    • Load per set: 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%

D. Deadlift Auto Regulation

  • Starting at 3 reps @ 80% of last cycle’s 3RM Hand Release

    • Rest 45 sec, then do 4 reps

    • Rest 45 sec, then do 5 reps

    • Continue until you reach a 9/10 RPE or form/speed declines (Touch and Go allowed)

      • Note: If you didn’t perform last cycle’s 3RM, build to a heavy hand release triple for the day, then start the percentage work. Max of 4 sec reset between reps.

E. Row Intervals and Strength

1 Set:

  1. Row - 100m @ Easy pace

  2. Row - 100m @ 60min pace

  3. Row - 100m @ 30min pace

  4. Row - 100m @ 5k pace

  5. Row - 100m @ 2k pace

Directly into 2 Rounds of:

  • 60 sec GHD Sit-ups

  • 60 sec Handstand Walks (HSW)

  • 60 sec Power Snatches @ 61/43 kg

  • Rest 3 min -

Repeat Row Sequence

Directly into 2 Rounds of:

  • 60 sec Shuttle Runs (2x25ft)

  • 60 sec Wall Walks

  • 60 sec Rope Climbs to 4.5 meters

Rest as needed between sets


  • Maintain max sustainable output for both sets. Move at the fastest possible pace you can sustain with minimal drop-off.


  • This will be challenging. Effort should be dictated by your ability to maintain output. Avoid maxing out in the first interval.

F. Extra Credit - Tempo Half GHD Sit-Up (2121 tempo)

4 sets of 8-10 reps

  • Rest as needed


Saturday 27/07/2024


Outdoor Workout - Thursday 25/07/2024