Friday 26/07/2024
A. Warmup
0-10 mins: General warmup
5 minutes on the machine of your choice
10-15 mins: Workout Specific Prep if you are doing the Extra Rowing session
2-3 sets:
45 sec row (increase pace every 15 secs: easy / moderate / hard)
Rest 90 sec Rest
B. Weightlifting
3 sets: As Many Reps as possible in 2 minutes:
Clean and Jerks
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Set 1: 65% of 1RM C/J
Set 2: 70% of 1RM C/J
Set 3: 75% of 1RM C/J
C. Front Squats
Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
5 Front Squats
Load per set: 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%
D. Deadlift Auto Regulation
Starting at 3 reps @ 80% of last cycle’s 3RM Hand Release
Rest 45 sec, then do 4 reps
Rest 45 sec, then do 5 reps
Continue until you reach a 9/10 RPE or form/speed declines (Touch and Go allowed)
Note: If you didn’t perform last cycle’s 3RM, build to a heavy hand release triple for the day, then start the percentage work. Max of 4 sec reset between reps.
E. Extra Credit - Rowing Intervals
1-2 total sets:
Row - 100m @ Easy pace
Row - 100m @ 60min pace
Row - 100m @ 30min pace
Row - 100m @ 5k pace
Row - 100m @ 2k pace
Directly into:
60 sec GHD sit-ups
60 sec dual KB Overhead Carry @ 16/12 kg (7.5m - 25ft = 1 rep)
60 sec dual KB Power Snatches @ 16/12 kg
Rest 3 min
A. Warmup
0-10 mins: General Warmup
5 minutes on the machine of your choice
10-15 mins: Workout Specific Prep
2-3 sets:
45 sec row (increase pace every 15 secs: easy / moderate / hard)
Rest 90 sec: easy row or walk
B. Weightlifting
3 sets: As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 2 minutes
Clean and Jerks
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Set 1: 65% of 1RM C/J
Set 2: 70% of 1RM C/J
Set 3: 75% of 1RM C/J
Note: Each rep must be completed before the 2-minute mark.
C. (Optional Part) - Front Squats
Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets)
5 Front Squats
Load per set: 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%
D. Deadlift Auto Regulation
Starting at 3 reps @ 80% of last cycle’s 3RM Hand Release
Rest 45 sec, then do 4 reps
Rest 45 sec, then do 5 reps
Continue until you reach a 9/10 RPE or form/speed declines (Touch and Go allowed)
Note: If you didn’t perform last cycle’s 3RM, build to a heavy hand release triple for the day, then start the percentage work. Max of 4 sec reset between reps.
E. Row Intervals and Strength
1 Set:
Row - 100m @ Easy pace
Row - 100m @ 60min pace
Row - 100m @ 30min pace
Row - 100m @ 5k pace
Row - 100m @ 2k pace
Directly into 2 Rounds of:
60 sec GHD Sit-ups
60 sec Handstand Walks (HSW)
60 sec Power Snatches @ 61/43 kg
Rest 3 min -
Repeat Row Sequence
Directly into 2 Rounds of:
60 sec Shuttle Runs (2x25ft)
60 sec Wall Walks
60 sec Rope Climbs to 4.5 meters
Rest as needed between sets
Maintain max sustainable output for both sets. Move at the fastest possible pace you can sustain with minimal drop-off.
This will be challenging. Effort should be dictated by your ability to maintain output. Avoid maxing out in the first interval.
F. Extra Credit - Tempo Half GHD Sit-Up (2121 tempo)
4 sets of 8-10 reps
Rest as needed