Monday 29/07/2024
A. Warmup
0-5 mins: General warmup on a machine of choice (e.g., rower, treadmill) for 5 minutes.
Followed by:
5-10 mins: Snatch warmup
10-15 mins: Workout-specific prep
Workout-specific prep (2sets):
B. Back Squat
Set 1: 8 reps @ 65%
Set 2: 8 reps @ 70%
Set 3: 6 reps @ 80%
Set 4: Max reps @ 85%
Rest as needed. AMRAP (-1) on max set.
C. Snatch Complex
Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (OHS)
Hang Squat Snatch + OHS
Squat Snatch + OHS
3 sets, rest as needed.
Drop and reset after each OHS,
max 3 seconds between each.
Start with a moderate weight and Work to a heavy complex for the day but below 9/10 RPE.
D. Every Minute on The Minute for 12 minutes (3 Rounds)
M1: Assault Bike 12/8 calories or (C2) Bike 15/12 calories
M2: 60 double-unders or Speed Steps
M3: Dual Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean to Thruster @ 22,5/15kg
M4: 20-25 V-ups or Tuck ups
M5: Rest
Extra Credit - Ring Muscle up Skill
Option 1: "Got None" - Ring Muscle-Up Skill
2 small ring swings into 1 max-effort ring swing x 5, rest as needed Focus on reaching with toes in the arch position, keeping legs and knees straight. Use a towel between the feet if needed. Film each rep and watch it back before completing the next set.
1 max-effort ring swing + open hip front swing x 5, rest as needed Keep bodyline position from A, add a hip drive when transitioning into the front swing.
1 max-effort ring swing + open hip front swing with aggressive pull to shoulders x 5, rest as needed Combine A+B, getting shoulders as high as possible. Shoulders should be the highest point, then hips, then knees.
2-position jumping muscle-ups x 6-8, rest 30-60 sec Notice that the shoulders are the highest point, then the hips (which are open).
Option 2: "Got Some" - Ring Muscle-Up Skill
3 sets of AMRAP (-1) unbroken ring muscle-ups Rest 3 min between sets.
Accumulate 20 total reps for the day with a focus on hip drive.
A. Warmup
0-5 mins: General warmup on a machine of choice (e.g., rower, treadmill) for 5 minutes.
Followed by:
5-10 mins: Snatch warmup
10-15 mins: Workout-specific prep
Workout-specific prep (2-3 sets):
30 sec Assault Bike (increase pace every 10 sec to 85%)
10 double unders
3-4 toes-to-bar (TTB)
3-4 box jump overs
3-4 shoulder-to-overhead (STOH)
3-4 dumbbell (DB) front squats
3-4 DB power cleans
Rest 90 seconds between sets (increase pace and load each set).
B. Back Squat
Set 1: 8 reps @ 65%
Set 2: 8 reps @ 70%
Set 3: 6 reps @ 80%
Set 4: Max reps @ 85%
Rest as needed. AMRAP (-1) on max set.
C. Snatch Complex
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (OHS)
Below Knee Hang Squat Snatch + OHS
Squat Snatch + OHS
3 sets, rest as needed.
Drop and reset after each OHS,
max 3 seconds between each.
Work to a heavy complex for the day but below 9/10 RPE.
D. Accessory Work
2 alternating sets of:
Single Leg GHD Hip Extensions
12-15 reps/side
Move right into E2 (hold 10 sec on final rep)
No rest
Single Leg Sorenson Hold
10 seconds
Rest 1 minute
Single Leg Wall Sit
15-30 seconds/side
Rest 1 minute
Face Down Chinese Plank
1 minute
Rest 1 minute
E. Conditioning
Part 1: 2 Rounds for Time
Assault Bike 12/8 calories
60 double-unders
15 toes-to-bar
Assault Bike 10/7 calories
Rest 90 seconds between each round.
Part 2: 2 Rounds for Time
Assault Bike 12/8 calories
10 box jump overs (24/20 inches)
10 shoulder-to-overheads @ 70/48 kg (155/105 lbs)
Assault Bike 10/7 calories
Rest 90 seconds between each round.
G. Part 3 (Optional): 2 Rounds for Time
Assault Bike 12/8 calories
10 dual dumbbell front squats @ 23/16 kg (50/35 lbs)
10 dual dumbbell power cleans @ 23/16 kg (50/35 lbs)
Assault Bike 10/7 calories
Rest 90 seconds between each round.
H. Extra Credit
Part 1: Ring Muscle-Up Skill Steps
2 small ring swings into 1 max-effort ring swing x 3-4, rest as needed Focus on reaching with toes in the arch position, keeping legs and knees straight. Use a towel between the feet if needed. Film each rep and watch it back before completing the next set.
1 max-effort ring swing + open hip front swing x 3-4, rest as needed Keep bodyline position from "A", add a hip drive when transitioning into the front swing.
Part 2: Muscle-Ups and Conditioning
5 sets:
1 min Skierg @ 30 min pace
60 sec AMRAP Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 2 min between sets.
Part 3: Ring Dips and Support Holds
2 alternating sets of:
Ring Support Hold
10 seconds
No rest
Max Ring Dips
No rest
Ring Support Hold
10 seconds
Rest 2 minutes