Wednesday 11/08/2021


Every 1:30 for 9:00 (6sets)

A. Hang Clean x 2 @70% of 1rm

B. Clean & Jerk @77% of 1rm

*Alternate between A&B


Every 2:30 for 10:00 (4 Sets)

BackSquat x 3 @78% of 1rm

immediately followed by...

Box Jump x 3

*adjust the height of the box

to make it challenging but without

compromising the jumping mechanics

Optional Additional Work


Every 1:30 for 9:00 (6sets)

A: Hang Snatch x 2 @70% of 1rm

B: Snatch x 1 @70% of 1rm

*Alternate between A&B

*If you are planning to do this part

do it as the first part of your training

Optional Additional Work


3 Sets of:

Pallof Split Squats x 10/each

Single Arm/Single Leg KB Deadlift x 8/each

Single Arm Plank on ring x 25sec/each