Wednesday 29/04/2020
Shoulder Mobility flow (VIDEO)
Hip mobility (VIDEO)
Part A:
For quality
A: Strict Pull-ups or Cloth Rows
B: Russian push-ups
C: Weighted Reverse Snow angels
D: Piked Hand Stand Push up
EMOM for 24:00 (8 Rounds):
M1: 30-50 Double Unders or Plate hops
M2: 10 No push-up burpee + 10 Tuck ups
M3: 8-15 Object Squat cleans
Equipment: For the Object, you can use Sandbag / Loaded Backpack / Waterjugs or anything heavy you can find.
Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.