Wednesday 21/02/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.

Gym closed on Thursday all day, and Friday Morning due to Military obligations


Gym closed on Thursday all day, and Friday Morning due to Military obligations 〰️




 Alternating Sets Every 4 Minutes for 4 Sets:

- Set 1:

  - 30 Box Jumps @ 61/51 cm (step up/down allowed)

  - As many reps as possible (AMRAP) of Overhead Squats until the 2-minute mark

- Set 2:

  - 30 Pistols (single-leg squats)

  - AMRAP Hang Power Cleans until the 2-minute mark

- Weights:

  - Sets 1 & 2: 61/43 kg

  - Sets 3 & 4: 75/52 kg

- Load Guidance:

  - Based on 55%, 65% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk

- Scoring:

  - Total reps of Overhead Squats and Hang Power Cleans

- Additional Notes:

  - 90-second cap on box jumps and pistols

 Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Minutes (5 Rounds):

- Minute 1: Row 15/12 calories

- Minute 2: 10-16 Dumbbell Alternating Power Snatches @ 22.7/15.9 kg

- Minute 3: Rest

Intensity: Start with high intensity but decrease if you're unable to maintain a strong performance level.

Focus: Aim for fatigue in your posterior chain, ensuring good mechanics on both the row and dumbbell snatch despite fatigue.

 Extra Credit - Cardiovascular Conditioning:

- Duration: 10-15 minutes

- Activity: Choose between Bike, Row, or Ski

- Intensity: Maintain 60-70% of your Maximum Heart Rate




 A. Squat Clean:

- Frequency: Every 90 seconds

- Attempts: 5, building to a strong single for the day

- Guideline: Start attempts after warming up above 75%

 B. Alternating Sets Every 4 Minutes for 4 Sets:

- Set 1:

  - 30 Box Jumps @ 61/51 cm (step up/down allowed)

  - AMRAP of Overhead Squats until the 2-minute mark

- Set 2:

  - 30 Pistols (single-leg squats)

  - AMRAP of Hang Power Cleans until the 2-minute mark

- Weights:

  - Sets 1 & 2: 84/59 kg

  - Sets 3 & 4: 102/70 kg

- Load Guidance:

  - Suggested percentages: 55%, 65% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk

- Scoring: Total reps of Overhead Squats and Hang Power Cleans

 C. 3-5 Sets:

  - 18/14 Cal Row

  - 8 DB Power Cleans @ 22.7/15.9 kg

  - AMRAP Ring Muscle Ups until the 2-minute mark

  - Rest 1 minute between sets

- Scoring: Total Ring Muscle Ups

Intent: This deload week precedes the 2024 Open. Maintain intensity, but reduce workload if you cannot sustain high output.

Focus: Challenge yourself with an emphasis on ring muscle up capacity under fatigue.

 D. 30-Minute Cardio Session:

- Activity: Choose between Bike, Row, or Ski

- Intensity: Maintain 60-70% of your Maximum Heart Rate


Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.