Wednesday 08/04/2020
Part A :
4 Sets of:
A. Negative Pull ups x 3-5 (5seconds Descent)
B. Scapulla pull up x 10
Rest 1 minute
C. Chin up Hold x 10-30seconds
Rest 2 minutes
Part B:
4 Sets of:
A. Bridge hamstring walk out x 8
B. Bridge Marching x 16
C. Bridge hold x 30 seconds
No Rest between exercises 2 minutes Rest between sets.
5 Rounds of:
2:00 AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
8 x Push ups to bird dog
16 x Split Jumps
8 x Reverse Burpees
Rest 2 min between Rounds
Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.
Important: Please follow hygiene rules and stay isolated.