Saturday 24/02/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.




For Time:

  • Repetitions: 9, 6, 3

  • Exercises:

    1. Power Clean and Jerk at 84 kg/53 kg

    2. Burpees Over The Bar

      • Time Cap: 10 minutes

3 Alternating Sets:

A. Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows.

  • Repetitions: 12.

  • Rest: 1 minute.

B. Dumbell Bench Press

  • Repetitions: 12.

  • Rest: 1 minute.

C. 8-6-4-2

  • Barbell Skull crushers

  • Barbell Bicep Curls

Kipping Handstand Push-Up (HSPU) Skill Development

Leg Kip Pattern Practice

  • Task: Perform continuous 20-second leg kip pattern traces in a tripod position, twice.

  • Rest: As needed between sets.

  • Focus: Maintain tension in your midline, using this as positional preparation for the next exercise.

Kipping HSPU Practice

  • Task: Accumulate 20 "bottom to top" kipping HSPU doubles.

  • Instructions:

    1. Start in the bottom position with feet flexed.

    2. Kip up aggressively with legs, hold the top position for 2 seconds.

    3. Return to the bottom position with feet flexed and repeat for the second rep.

  • Modification: Place an abmat under your head if necessary.

Option 2: Kipping Handstand Push-Ups Challenge

  • Format: For Time

  • Task: Complete 40 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups.

  • Time Cap: 5 minutes




For Time:

  • Repetitions: 9, 6, 3

  • Exercises:

    1. Power Clean and Jerk

      • Standard: 111 kg/77 kg (245/170 lbs)

      • Scaled: 93 kg/66 kg (205/145 lbs)

    2. Burpee Box Jump-Over

      • Height: 61 cm/51 cm (24/20 inches) for both Standard and Scaled

  • Time Cap: 10 minutes

Split Jerk Max Load (Within 10 Minutes)

  • Objective: Find your 1RM (one-repetition maximum) for the Split Jerk in 3 attempts, starting from a rack.

  • Instructions:

    • Warm-up until you reach 80% of your estimated 1RM.

    • Load your barbell to your opening weight and start the 10-minute timer.

    • You have a maximum of 3 attempts to achieve your 1RM.

  • Purpose: This exercise aims to improve your ability to perform under pressure with strict time constraints and limited attempts.

Max Shoulder to Overheads (1 Attempt at 65%)

  • Weight: Use 65% of your 1RM from today's Max Split Jerk.

  • Format: Perform the maximum number of shoulder to overhead lifts in a single attempt, starting from the ground.

3 Alternating Sets:

A. Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Row.

  • Repetitions: 12 per side.

  • Rest: 1 minute.

B. Feet Elevated Glute Bridge Tricep Extensions

  • Repetitions: 12.


Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.