Monday 26/02/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.



 Rounds for Time:

- 3 Sets:

  - 60 Double-Unders

  - Snatches (progressively heavier)

  - Rest: 2 minutes between rounds

- Snatch Details:

  - Set 1: 7 reps at 52 kg for males / 34 kg for females

  - Set 2: 5 reps at 60% 

  - Set 3: 3 reps at 75% 

- Note: Increase weight each set. Limit snatches to 2 minutes per set.

 Box Squats:

- Every Minute for 6 Minutes (6 Sets):

  - 3 Box Squats at 45-60% of your 1RM

  - Focus: Speed

  - Use Benches for Box

 Mixed Conditioning:

- EMOM x 12min:

  - Min 1: 10-16 Pistols (alternating)

  - Min 2: 50 Crossover Singles

  - Min 3: 10-12 Pull ups

  - Min 4: 10 alt. DB Hang Squat Clean to Thruster at 22,5/15kg

Extra Credit - Ring Muscle-Up Skill:

- Progression:

  1. 2 small ring swings into 1 max-effort swing x4. Focus on extending with toes, keeping legs straight.

  2. Add 1 max-effort swing with open hip front swing x4. Maintain body line, focus on hip drive.

  3. Combine steps 1 and 2 with an aggressive pull to shoulders x4.

  4. Perform 2-position jumping muscle-ups x6.

video for all steps

  - Rest as needed between sets.




 For Time (3 Rounds):

- 10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

- 60 Double-Unders

- Snatches with increasing weights and decreasing reps across rounds:

  - Round 1: 7 Snatches - Men: 52kg, Women: 34kg

  - Round 2: 5 Snatches - Men: 70kg, Women: 48kg

  - Round 3: 3 Snatches - Men: 88kg, Women: 59kg

- Rest: 2 minutes between rounds. Each set of snatches has a 2-minute cap.

 Box Squats:

- Every Minute for 10 Minutes (10 Sets):

  - 3 Box Squats at 45-60% of 1RM. 

  - Focus on speed.

 Snatch Pulls:

- Every 75 Seconds for 6:15 (5 Sets):

  - 2 Snatch Pulls at 95-105% of 1RM Snatch.

 AMRAP in 5 Minutes (Part 1):

- Buy-In: Assault Bike - 25/20 calories

- Then, AMRAP:

  - 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  - 10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerks at 22.5/15.5 kg

- Rest: 2:30 minutes before Part 2.

 AMRAP in 5 Minutes (Part 2):

- Buy-In: Assault Bike - 25 calories

- Then, AMRAP:

  - 3 Wall Walks

  - 9 Dual Dumbbell Front Squats at 22.5/15.5 kg

- Rest: 4 minutes before Part 3.

 For Time (Part 3):

- 20 Pistols (alternating)

- 50 Crossover Single Unders

- 10 Muscle-Ups

- 50 Crossover Single Unders

- 20 Pistols (10 per side, non-alternating)

 Extra Credit:

- Option 1 - Mixed Skill Work:

  - 2-3 Sets of:

    - 1 min GHD Sit-Ups

    - Rest: 20 seconds

    - 90 Second AMRAP of 1 Rope Climb and 24' Handstand Walk (12' down and back)

    - Rest: 3-4 minutes between sets.

- Option 2 - Cyclical Conditioning:

  - Power Development: Every 90 seconds x 5 sets, 100m Row at 1k pace.


- Sustainable Effort: On a 6-minute clock, 70/50 calories SkiErg, 

then max calories Assault Bike in remaining time. 

Rest: 2 minutes between sets, repeat for 2 total sets. 

The goal is consistent effort across all sets with minimal fatigue impact.


Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.